How The Law Of Attraction Works

How The Law Of Attraction Works
How The Law Of Attraction Works

Everything in the world is interconnected. Whatever a person does, his actions will always affect the world around him. And accordingly, and on himself. Karma, Buddhists or Hindus will say. God's retribution, Christians will say. A causal law, think the materialists skeptical of all mysticism. And everyone will be right. Based on this fundamental principle of the universe, the law of attraction works.

How the Law of Attraction Works
How the Law of Attraction Works

You've probably met people who are always dissatisfied with their fate? And you did not ask yourself the question: why are they really unlucky? And the neighbor opposite, then he wins the lottery, then he finds a wallet on the street, then he receives a bonus at work. The whole reason is precisely in this law. The point is that human thoughts, emotions and words are material. But their "matter" is pure energy not yet studied by science. Have you heard that our life consists of black and white stripes? So - this is not life like that, you yourself make it like this. Example: in the morning, walking to the bathroom, you hit your finger painfully on the door frame. What followed? A surge of negative emotions, and possibly words. As a result, a source of irritation and anger arises in the mind, transmitting waves of a certain frequency to the surrounding world. And since a person is the master of his own destiny, then subsequent events arise in accordance with the "order." That is, causing the same emotions. And so on until some event pushes you into a "positive wave". It is not for nothing that the Bible speaks of a person having a choice. And what about these eternally dissatisfied life? They are so firmly stuck in the swamp of negativity that the positive emotions of good events are simply not enough to change the pole from minus to plus. This is how the law of attraction works.

It is on the law of attraction that the principle of operation of various techniques of self-hypnosis, meditation and magic is based. For example, after reading a clever book, a person begins to program his subconscious in a state of relaxation with the image of wealth and success (being poor and unlucky). After a while, the technique works, and an image of a rich and successful person appears in the subconscious. And then the attraction of the corresponding energies follows, and life is slowly changing. And the possible reasons for failures lie in the fact that in the subconsciousness of many people images of violence, negativity, fears are embedded involuntarily by the person himself, or his environment (parents, teachers, acquaintances, the media). Here you need either more diligence in practice, or purification procedures (repentance in Christianity, holotropic breathing, etc.).