Where In The World Is It Better To Live

Where In The World Is It Better To Live
Where In The World Is It Better To Live

Happiness is a relative concept. According to statistics, the level of happiness is directly proportional to the standard of living. Where in the world is it good to live, and where is it not so good? Where are people mostly contented and happy? The best country for life - what is it?

What is the best country to live in?
What is the best country to live in?

If it is difficult to name the happiest person in the world, then a place where you can live happily - please. A high standard of living is not only material wealth and the amount of money savings, not only a wealth of natural resources and a stable economy, not only a high level of culture and state care for its citizens. This is … - all of the above taken together and something else. Namely - the joy of everyday life, confidence in the future and a feeling of happiness. How can you "calculate" this? Ask people from different countries if they are doing well, and then compare the data.

Why Norway is thriving

This is what scientists from the London Legatum Institute do every year. They constitute the Legatum Prosperity Index, which allows you to assess and compare the level of prosperity in different countries of the world. The Prosperity Index differs from other statistical studies in that it is the most global. It is not limited to individual macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP per capita, but tries to measure the degree of well-being and the level of happiness of citizens.

There are 142 countries in the ranking last year. And Norway is again recognized as the best place to live. It is she who occupies the first line of the rating. This country has been at the top of the rating for 5 years in a row. And in 2013, 77% of Norwegians were satisfied with life in Norway. There is high prosperity, constantly increasing incomes, absolute safety of savings, low inflation rates and a high level of employment of the population. But the most important thing is that in Norway people trust each other most of all in the world, come to help and help a person in need of help. Switzerland and Canada follow Norway. This is what the top three leaders look like - the most prosperous countries on the planet.

Money can not buy happiness

Further in the top ten: Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Australia, Finland, Netherlands, Luxembourg.

In 11th place in terms of prosperity - the United States. The UK itself is only 16th. And even the richest United Arab Emirates are in the position much lower - 28. This means that happiness is definitely not in wealth. The criteria include the comfort of living in the country, economic, environmental, climatic, political, religious conditions, the degree of freedom, the attitude of the population towards each other and towards foreigners.

Russia is also present in the rating. Its position is not higher than that of other countries of the former USSR. Russia ranks 61st. And, for example, Kazakhstan - 47. Below Russia, only Ukraine - 64.

The top three outsiders ranked first from the bottom are Chad, the Central African Republic and the Congo.