Van Gogh's Paintings: The History Of Writing

Van Gogh's Paintings: The History Of Writing
Van Gogh's Paintings: The History Of Writing

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Probably, there was a void in Vincent's soul, which he tried to fill and splashed the accumulated on the canvas. His life was not easy and full of loneliness. At the age of 16, he was rejected by his first love, which left a scar on his heart. After 8 years, he finds himself in religion and tortures himself with starvation and corporal punishment. At the age of 29, he meets a fallen woman - a prostitute, an alcoholic with a child and waiting for the second. He did not give a damn about someone else's opinion and even wanted to marry, but after a year he ran away from her. Vincent gave his ear to her, although according to other sources he did it for Gauguin. But, no matter what happened in his life, he continued to create and paint pictures. In the last year of his life he suffered from severe depression and at the age of 37 he committed suicide.

Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe, 1889
Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe, 1889


Step 1

Van Gogh admired the French artist Paul Gauguin. Vincent, having found a wonderful place, invited Gauguin to work together. And in 1888 in Arles in the south of France for nine weeks he managed to work closely with him, to which Vincent was immensely happy. They exchanged paintings and inspiration. So, waiting for Gauguin's arrival at the Yellow House, Van Gogh decided to bring him joy and decorate the house. These were pictures of yellow sunflowers. He hung two of them in the bedroom for Gauguin.


Step 2

Cafe Terrace at Night was written in September 1888 and is also one of the most famous. She became the first in a series of paintings about the night starry sky. Wang Gog wrote to his brother: "The night is much more lively and richer in colors than the day." When painting this magical picture, he did not use a single gram of black paint. Vincent managed to convey the "dark blanket" covering the city and the boulevard illuminated by the light of stars from all depths.


Step 3

The painting "Night Cafe" is rich in bright colors, but sometimes it seems that Van Gogh wanted to convey the situation "through the eyes of a drunkard." Light from lamps and people's faces are slightly blurred. The decor is appropriate. Some of the clients of the institution have already lay down on the tables, there is a large amount of alcohol everywhere. The colors were not chosen by chance. Green is the color of loneliness and inner emptiness, while red is anxiety and worry. It is with a glass of alcohol that the visitors of the cafe temporarily get rid of everything bad that worries them.


Step 4

The painting "Blooming Almond Trees" is full of tenderness. It was written in 1980, and the reason was the birth of a son to his beloved brother Theo. He presented the picture as a gift to the spouses. Almond trees blooming at that time became the inspiration. The "notes" of the east are felt. This is not surprising, because at that time Japanese-style equipment was in vogue.


Step 5

The Prisoners' Walk was painted during a difficult period for Van Gogh, in the San Remy hospital. Prison inmates doomedly move one after another, forming a closed circle, which means only one thing - hopelessness. Although light colors are used, the painting evokes darkness. She fully conveys the state of mind of Van Gogh.


Step 6

The painting "A field of cereals on the eve of a thunderstorm" was painted in 1890, a few weeks before the suicide. It reflects depressed depression, sadness, sadness and loneliness. In letters to his brother, Van Gogh wrote that he saw the image of death in a field with ears of corn. He imagined humanity to be rye, which, after ripening, is cut and removed from the field. There is no rye in the picture of the cleaner, that is, people froze in anticipation of their last minute. The first time Vincent wanted to commit suicide was in the field, but the gun misfired.