Woodley Shailene: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Woodley Shailene: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Woodley Shailene: Biography, Career, Personal Life

One of the largest film companies in the world, Hollywood, is located in the state of California. The production of films of various subjects, format and quality is established here. Young actress Woodley Shailene was able to make a name for herself in a short time.

Woodley Shailene
Woodley Shailene

Starting positions

American film actress Shailene Woodley was born on November 15, 1991 in a teacher's family. Parents lived in the small Californian town of Simi Valley. The father served as the director of the school, and the mother worked as a psychologist in the same educational institution. A few years later, another child appeared in the house - a boy. Childhood years passed as usual, until the mother and father decided to divorce. The girl has just turned fifteen years old. Just at this time, doctors diagnosed her with an advanced form of scoliosis.

The destruction of the hearth had a depressing effect on Shailene. She began to behave defiantly at school. It is important to note that the girl flatly refused to use alcohol or drugs. The object causing her fits of rage was the environmental situation in the area. Woodley observed how people and animals live in the bosom of nature. In her opinion, there was more harm from people than from representatives of the fauna. After graduating from school, the girl intended to get higher education at the famous University of New York.

The road to the profession

To understand further actions, it is important to note that local filmmakers and advertisers brought Shailene into commercials when she was only five years old. At that moment, when the girl was buying a ticket to New York, she received a telegram with an invitation to shoot in a new project. Work on the series "The Secret Life of an American Teenager" stretched for five long years. The creativity of the young actress was noticed and noted. The audience loved her, and the critics treated her differently.

This was followed by projects of various genres and content. Shailene played great comedic roles. But even in dramatic paintings, her reincarnation did not raise any doubts among art connoisseurs. The main role played in the social-fiction thriller "Divergent" should be especially highlighted. As businessmen from the cinema calculated, only the first part of the picture brought almost three hundred million dollars in revenue. Producers began to treat Woodley with great attention and respect.

Essays on personal life

At the current time, the biography notes that Shailene Woodley has been nominated 70 times for various awards and prizes. Really received prizes - 26. Her acting career is developing more than successfully. Simultaneously with her work in the cinema, the popular performer manages to take part in social movements. Sheilin, as a staunch fighter for nature conservation, protested against the laying of an oil pipeline on protected lands. She protested and was sentenced to one year's suspended sentence.

There is nothing special to tell about the personal life of the actress. She has not yet found a husband. And I'm not ready to play the role of a wife. Of course, a young and energetic woman meets handsome males. But such meetings do not develop into a serious relationship. Love has not come yet.
