What Icons Are Given To Men

What Icons Are Given To Men
What Icons Are Given To Men

Icons are given only to the closest people. This is a sacred gift full of meaning. If you are going to give an icon to a man, you need to take into account some of the nuances in order to choose the most suitable one for this person.

What icons are given to men
What icons are given to men

There are many options for icons that can be presented to a man, therefore, in order to choose, you need to know in advance the date of the baptism of the donee, and most importantly, think about what this person needs right now, what kind of spiritual help he needs.

Name icons

Most often, men are given personalized icons. They represent the image of the saint whose name the person was named at baptism. It is this saint who is his patron throughout his life. Such an icon can be given at any time and on almost any holiday, in Orthodoxy it is very significant. The personalized icon can be of any size and design. This image will protect a person, every time he turns to his patron, he will receive the necessary help and support.

Savior Not Made by Hands

Another icon that is customary to give to men is the Savior Not Made by Hands. It symbolizes Christ, because for many Christians it is he who is the image of faith and the salvation of the soul. Even if a person rarely attends church, he can always turn to the icon and pray in front of it. Savior Not Made by Hands is a special image of Christ, a canonical symbol of Christianity in Russia, consolation and help to anyone on his life path.

Icon of the Holy Patron in business

There is an icon of the Holy Patron in business, you can turn to it for help in difficult labor activities. It is customary for men to give this icon to support the Saints in a difficult situation, because it is the man who is the breadwinner in the family. Different spheres of activity have their own patron saints, there is no definite classification, but before purchasing such an icon, it is best to familiarize yourself with the information and find a saint whose activities are related to the activities of the man for whom the gift is intended. [box # 1

The face of St. Nicholas

One of the most famous and beloved saints in Orthodoxy - St. Nicholas, is an image that is also suitable for a gift to a man. He is a quick helper and intercessor of believers. It is especially important to have this icon for travelers or for those people whose activities are associated with long roads, no matter whether by land or water. It is necessary for all those who might be in danger.

When praying, Guardian Angels guide a person on the right spiritual path, they are intercessors before God and the influence of evil forces.

A man in whose life there are often unforeseen circumstances, temptations and various risks, it is recommended to give an icon of the Holy Guardian Angel. The Lord gives the Guardian Angel to a person at baptism for protection and help on his life's path, he cares about a person, invisibly he is always with him.
