How To Make A Will In

How To Make A Will In
How To Make A Will In

In order to draw up and execute a will, the obligatory personal presence of a citizen is required. It is unacceptable to draw up this document through a representative. After drawing up a will, a citizen has every right to dispose of his property at will throughout his life.

How to make a will
How to make a will

A will is made only in writing and is notarized. If you want to draw up a will, you will need to take your passport to apply to a notary office. No additional documents are required. Documents confirming the ownership of the property that fit into the will is not needed.

It is worth knowing that a notary until the very opening of the inheritance has no right to disclose the information contained in the will, as well as to change it. If the information specified in the will is disclosed, then the testator can demand compensation for moral damage or take other measures to protect civil rights.

The procedure for drawing up and attesting a will with a notary is as follows. First, the notary must check your passport, then make sure that you are a capable citizen. After that, he will explain the right to the obligatory part of the inheritance and read the will aloud, after which he will give it to you for signature. Then you must sign the will in the presence of a notary, then it will be registered in the register, and the data on the fact of its execution will be entered into the register of wills.

If you wish, you can draw up a closed will, the information contained in it, only you will know. To do this, before visiting the notary office, you will need to find two witnesses who will sign on the sealed package or envelope in which your will will be. After that, the notary will seal your document in another envelope and put the appropriate inscription. Your will will then be registered in the registry as usual.