Value is the importance of an object, a phenomenon. At the same time, its significance and usefulness act as subjective assessments of specific properties involved in the sphere of human social being. This concept has a wide scope, but it is especially often used in the field of art.

Step 1
Value is something abstract, in which a person almost constantly feels the need. If this need has ceased to be present in the aspirations of the individual, this may indicate the beginning of his moral degradation. Values in our life exist in a systematic way, while acting as a guide in the real world. In this case, the concept of "value system" means those objects and phenomena that a person considers the most important in the world around him. This system, as a rule, has a direct relationship with motivation. Thus, the formation of values occurs with the participation of the cognitive and volitional processes of the individual.
Step 2
The concept of "value" can be used in a variety of ways:
- in the meaning of the characteristics of the subject as recognition of its importance. In this sense, such types of values as material and spiritual are distinguished. Material ones are, for example, products made of precious stones and metals, expensive fabrics and other items of high cost and aesthetic qualities. As for spiritual values, morality, wisdom, art are a "clear" example of spiritual value.
- in the sense of indicating the social, cultural significance of an object or phenomenon.
- in economics, this term is used as a synonym for the concept of "consumer value" - the utility of an item for the consumer.
Step 3
The methods of forming values are mostly associated with education or with intra-national (or international) propaganda of certain concepts of value. Usually, values formed under the influence of economic conditions are widespread and have an impact on the values of society in general. Universal (material and spiritual) values have always been in the focus of attention of many scientists and researchers.