Why Circumcision

Why Circumcision
Why Circumcision

The history of the circumcision rite of young boys goes back centuries. According to legend, this procedure appeared as a kind of agreement between the biblical character Abraham and God. According to God's covenant, circumcision must be performed on the eighth day from the birth of a child. Modern doctors assure that such a procedure also has medical indications.

Why circumcision
Why circumcision

Basically, Muslims and Jews are engaged in circumcision of the boys' foreskin. According to statistics, about 20% of the world's population goes through this procedure. It is believed that a man who was circumcised as a child is cleaner.

In addition to religious ones, there are also medical indications for circumcision - this is phimosis and chronic inflammation of the glans penis. The narrowing of the foreskin is in itself a harmless phenomenon, but it can lead to quite unpleasant consequences. After all, various fluids secreted by the male body accumulate in spaces, the so-called pockets, formed due to narrowing. If hygiene procedures are neglected or performed incorrectly, it leads to inflammation. It can be expressed not only by itching, redness, but also by the formation of various ulcers, wounds and erosions. Late treatment leads to gangrene. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended for a man to be circumcised, which should rid him of the source of the disease.

Another indication for circumcision is paraphimosis. In this case, the foreskin is significantly narrowed and infringes on the glans penis. This leads to disruption of blood supply and nutrition to the male organ, which causes pain and death of nerve endings. In this regard, it is recommended to solve the problem surgically.

If the penis has been injured, scarring may form at the site of injury. In this case, doctors can recommend a man to be circumcised to avoid further scarring and, as a result, narrowing of the foreskin.

However, many men opt for circumcision for slightly different reasons. So, for example, thanks to this procedure, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases is reduced; the sensitivity of the head decreases, which can lengthen the sexual intercourse. In addition, circumcision can help reduce the risk of developing various urinary tract infections. And the most important plus of this procedure is that it halves the likelihood of developing oncological diseases of the genital organs.

Today circumcision is done not only for Muslim and Jewish children. Some European men also deliberately do this. And this desire is connected in most cases with the fact that after this procedure it is much easier to maintain the hygiene of the genitals.