What Philosophers Had A Great Influence On The Spiritual Development Of Mankind

What Philosophers Had A Great Influence On The Spiritual Development Of Mankind
What Philosophers Had A Great Influence On The Spiritual Development Of Mankind

Spiritual development is, first of all, harmonious development. You can try to find an exact definition of what spirituality is, but the main thing is that a person cannot have a positive impact, either on the development of society as a whole, or on his own destiny, if he does not develop spiritually. Philosophers all over the world have made an invaluable contribution to the spiritual development of mankind.

What philosophers had a great influence on the spiritual development of mankind
What philosophers had a great influence on the spiritual development of mankind

The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is the author of the theory of objective idealism, the key concept of which is “World Spirit”. The philosopher calls it an absolute idea. In Hegel's view, the whole world is a huge historical process of disclosing and embodying the possibilities of the world mind and spirit. The “world spirit”, in turn, is an impersonal, objective principle, which acts as the core and subject of the development of the entire world. According to Hegel, the constantly evolving human spiritual life eventually reaches philosophy, which reveals the absolute idea - the source of world development. And this is the meaning of all the transformations of the "World Spirit".

Hegel also named two definitions of man - "man by nature is good" and "man by nature is evil", but he does not try to oppose these two concepts, but on the contrary shows their inseparability from each other. The concepts of good and evil have accompanied and accompany a person always and everywhere.

The famous three questions of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope for ?, for which he reasoned and looked for answers in his writings. Kant strove to define the framework of human knowledge. He presented his theories and reasoning in one of the works with a rather interesting, and at the same time deep title "Critique of Pure Reason". "Pure" means clear, transparent, crisp and independent of anything. It is this kind of reason, on which all sciences are based, that Kant criticizes. He called for a critical study of all human cognitive abilities, because it is then that we will be able to find out their capabilities and the nature of their origin. One way or another, but sooner or later any person tries to find answers to Kant's questions throughout his life.

The famous Russian philosopher Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev was one of the first to lay the foundations of the Russian "spiritual rebirth" at the beginning of the twentieth century. According to Soloviev, all existing reality is considered as one whole (the principle of the unity of the world), and God is recognized as an absolute beginning. It is God who is at the head of everything, therefore, the knowledge of reality leads to a Christian vision of the world. The philosopher considered mystical philosophy to be the most complete.

Religion has existed and will continue to exist as long as man exists, which means that belief in something unearthly, divine will accompany mankind.

Also in his works Solovyov paid great attention to the ethics of total unity, one of his works "Justification of Good" is devoted to this. Good is the highest category of ethics. It is the beginning of all history that determines the meaning of human life.
