The surviving war veterans and war veterans know that the song helps to maintain peace of mind. A career officer Sergei Yarovoy fought in hot spots. And not only fought, but also sang.

Starting conditions
In the Soviet Union, military service was considered an honorable duty of every man. Boys were trained for military service from an early age. Sergey Fedorovich Yarovoy was born on April 22, 1957 in the family of a serviceman. Parents at that time lived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The father served, guarding the maritime borders of the state. The mother worked as a therapist at a local clinic.
At school, Sergei studied well. His favorite subjects were history and geography. I was seriously engaged in physical training. Participated in sports competitions in athletics and skiing for the championship of the city and region. Having received a certificate of maturity, Yarovoy did not enter the institute, since in the fall he was drafted into the army. Demobilized after military service in 1977, he entered the Novosibirsk military higher political school. With a diploma of specialized education, the young lieutenant arrived at the place of service in the airborne troops.

Blue berets
Until 1985, the service proceeded as usual. Yarovoy fulfilled his direct responsibilities for the education of personnel in the position of political officer of the unit. Then he was transferred to the famous 350th Airborne Regiment, which was fighting in Afghanistan. Sergei was elected secretary of the Komsomol committee of the unit. By the nature of his activity, he not only participated in hostilities, but also constantly communicated with the soldiers in a normal situation. By that time, several people already regularly gathered in a club or storehouse in their free time and sang songs with a guitar.
Captain Yarovaya himself loved to perform songs by Soviet composers. He immediately joined the singing collective and became a leading member. A few months later he managed to "knock out" high-quality equipment from the suppliers. The guys have expanded their repertoire. The command positively assessed the amateur creativity of the fighters and provided all kinds of assistance. The team performed in front of the personnel of units that were based on Afghan territory. Given the growing popularity of the group, someone suggested calling it the Blue Berets.

Achievements and personal life
Sergey Yarovoy does not like to talk about his personal career. Talking about successes, works and problems, he always pays attention to collective creativity. The Blue Berets ensemble is known all over the world without the slightest exaggeration. The collective tours a lot and releases albums with their compositions. The paratroopers send the lion's share of their income to the fund of internationalist soldiers.
In his personal life, Sergei Yarovoy is in complete order. He entered into marriage once and for all. The husband and wife raised and raised two children, a son and a daughter.