If you are detained, then you must always remember that the police represent the state, and you must behave as correctly as possible, even if the officers behave incorrectly. Do not insult your personal dignity and make sure that your rights as a person and a citizen are respected.

Ask the employee to introduce themselves and show their ID. If he did not do it on his own, then ask in a polite manner, "Could you introduce yourself?" Then ask to explain the reason for the increased interest in you, because even the verification of documents should have some grounds, especially if you are offered to “pass”.
Before you follow the employee to the car or to the police station, you should ask about the reason for the detention and whether you are the one who is being detained. Such reasons may be identification, if you do not have documents with you, detention as a suspect or accused in a criminal case or administrative violation.
Be polite, calm, so as not to give a reason to accuse you of insubordination, which is a serious offense. Make it clear that you have nothing to fear, and you know all your rights. Insulting police officers falls under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Write down everything you learn. Remember the last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the title of the employee and his ID number. The best thing is to write everything down (car and department number, time, etc.). This can all come in handy when filing a complaint.
You are not required to carry documents that prove your identity, but in the absence of them, the police officer has the right to detain you in order to establish your identity, but for no more than 3 hours.
Every detainee has the right to an explanation of the grounds and reason for the restriction of rights and freedoms. The suspect must know what he is suspected of and has the right to have his rights explained and receive medical assistance. When detained, you can familiarize yourself with the protocols or refuse to sign them. You can notify your relatives about your whereabouts, you can appeal the illegal actions of officials. You can also use the help of a lawyer right from the moment of detention and have the right not to testify against your relatives and yourself.