Why Can't A Person Live Without Nature

Why Can't A Person Live Without Nature
Why Can't A Person Live Without Nature

No one would argue that man is a part of nature. And, despite the dubious history of the origin of mankind, it is impossible not to relate oneself to the animal world. Echoes of instincts, anatomical features, the impossibility of existence without food, water, air, interaction with other objects of the surrounding reality of natural origin - everything simply screams that man is undoubtedly one of the elements in the existing world of nature.

Why can't a person live without nature
Why can't a person live without nature

The time of human existence is negligible in comparison with the duration of the existence of the planet. For billions of years, life was born on Earth, developed and evolved into different forms, and there was nothing that even remotely resembled a human individual. During this time, the planet has accumulated huge reserves of resources, many of which were stored for billions of years, remaining unclaimed, since there was no one to use them.

Today, the world's population is about seven billion people, while many species of animals and plants have irrevocably disappeared. The ratio of the human species and the rest of the animal world is changing, and it is man who is to blame for the decrease in the number of animals and plants. For example, in the era of the origin of mankind, people killed animals only for the purpose of survival (to satisfy hunger and the need for heat), like other representatives of the animal world. But with the development of man and the emergence of society, the relationship between man and nature and its resources has changed. People have ceased to be a natural element in the cycle of substances in nature, gradually turning into active consumers, often ungrateful and selfish.

As a result of the increase in population and the associated increase in the consumption of natural resources, their reserves are rapidly dwindling, now rare animals are disappearing irrevocably, the forest is being cut down illegally and is not being restored. Greed and lust for profit lead to the extinction of species and the inappropriate use of natural resources.

Imagine that someday minerals will run out, the land will stop yielding crops, and cattle will be destroyed by another epidemic - now, sitting at a computer in the center of a multimillion city, it is quite difficult, although in recent years such troubles have been happening more and more often. With different frequency and territorial characteristics.

“We are here - the problem is somewhere out there, and this does not concern me” - every second resident of a large metropolis chooses such a position. Technological progress is growing - and the ecology is deteriorating, a person comes up with more and more sophisticated methods of forcibly obtaining natural resources - and diseases increase, viruses mutate and adapt to new conditions. There is a clear tendency: the more a person changes something in nature in his favor, the worse the living conditions of a person become - not from the point of view of the comfort created by him, but from the point of view of ecology and living conditions on earth.

Many scientists believe that nature takes revenge on the destroyers by cataclysms, natural disasters, the birth of new viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to humans.

Man cannot live without nature, because he himself is a part of it, he himself is nature. And, destroying nature, he destroys himself.
