When Is Vitaly's Name Day

When Is Vitaly's Name Day
When Is Vitaly's Name Day

The Orthodox Church venerates four saints named Vitaly. Therefore, the name day for men with this name can be celebrated on a different day, depending on the date of baptism or birth.

When is Vitaly's name day
When is Vitaly's name day

In the face of the saints of the Orthodox Church are two martyrs Vitaly, one reverend and a monk Martyr, glorified at the Council of Bishops of the Russian Church as the New Martyr of Russia. Vitaliev's birthday dates can fall on the following dates: May 5, May 11, October 7 and February 7.

May 5 is the day of remembrance of St. Vitaly of Alexandria. The saint lived in the 6th century. An ascetic of piety chose for himself the monastic path of serving God. In fasts and prayers, the righteous man spent time in the men's monastery. Having reached the age of sixty, the Monk Vitaly decided on a special deed. He took on the responsibility of helping women suffering from the sin of fornication. He often saw girls, helped them financially from their labors, and admonished them to refrain from bodily lust. At night, the saint prayed to God for the discipline of those who fell into sin. Seeing the virtuous pious life of the Monk Vitaly, many women left the path of sin, came to their senses and got married. After the death of the monk, his holy relics exuded various miracles.

The Holy Martyr Vitaly, whose memory is on May 11, was converted to Christianity during the sermon on the island of Corfu by the holy apostles Jason and Sosipater (apostles from among the seventy). The evangelists were able with their sermon to touch Vitaly's heart so much that love for Christ was kindled in his soul even until his death. The Holy Martyr Vitaly, along with other believing Christians, by order of the governor of the island, was burned alive in a cauldron of boiling sulfur for refusing to worship the pagan gods.

Among the saints with the name Vitaly is our compatriot, the Holy Monk Martyr Vitaly Kokorev. While in the monastic tonsure, the righteous man suffered death for the Orthodox faith in 1937. The memory of the saint is celebrated in the Russian Church on October 7th.

Another common Christian saint with the name Vitaly is a martyr who suffered in the Roman Empire around 164. This Saint Vitaly is called Rome, and his memory is celebrated on February 7th.