What Is Sin

What Is Sin
What Is Sin

The concept of sin in modern society, by and large, has lost its capacity and religious content. It is customary today to call sin as offenses that - not many remember - were named in the Book of Genesis, Torah, Bible, Koran

The apple of sin. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills
The apple of sin. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Sin is a deviation from traditional ways imposed by one or another religious denomination or from traditions dictated by public opinion, the product of the passions and temptations of Eve with a voluptuous serpent. Everyone at least once in his life has heard the legend of seven sins, including pride, greed, fornication, envy, love of food, anger and even despondency. The fall is considered not only the violation of certain established canons, but even the desire and the thought of violating them.

It happens that sin is not connected with human laws and does not entail any measures of responsibility, however, it is condemned by morality or religion.

In Buddhism and Judaism

In many religions, the totality of sinful and positive deeds determines the fate of a person, both on earth and after the end of his stay within the framework of bodily life. Buddhism, for example, considers sin to be the result of delusion and ignorance of a person; life is the way to comprehend the truth, and therefore get rid of sin. Judaism ranks sin as a misdemeanor associated with violations of one of the 613 commandments.

In islam

Islam attributes the fall to the weaknesses of a person who succumbed to the temptation of devilish forces, and considers the worship or recognition of the presence of God's helpers to be the most terrible sin.

Islam, unlike Orthodoxy, believes that once committed sin cannot be atoned for or forgiven until the last judgment; a person can only change his behavior and fill his life with good deeds, which in one way or another can affect the movement of the scales.

In Christianity

Orthodoxy adheres to the traditional beliefs that sin is a spiritual omission, not a bodily one, that is, by itself it (sin) may not be shown, but live and grow inside a person, however, repentance, or sincere repentance can cure and relieve suffering and an unrighteous life once and for all.

Catholics are convinced that a minister of the church is able not only to relieve the soul of the repentant, but also to completely let go of the committed and intentional falls associated, first of all, with selfishness and narcissism. In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church ranked sins, distinguishing seven mortals and many hundreds of collateral or derivatives from them. In accordance with the violations, the degree of guilt and the level of subsequent punishment were determined.

Protestantism asserts that sin initially lives in a person, being his nature, associated with kinship with Adam.

Modern society, sometimes far from beliefs and religious confessions, calls serious transgressions and atrocities associated with some unwritten moral prohibition or violation of generally recognized moral guidelines as a sin. Only you can understand and decide what sin is for you and what its consequences are.