What Is Hype In Youth Slang

What Is Hype In Youth Slang
What Is Hype In Youth Slang

Jargonism "HYIP" in youth slang is used quite often today. Sometimes this word can be heard not only from young people, but even from the lips of major political figures. For example, V. Surkov used it not so long ago when commenting on the intention of the DPR leaders to create a state called Little Russia.

what is hype in youth slang
what is hype in youth slang

So what is hype in youth slang? This word is actually popular, and it came to us, like many other modern jargon, from the West. It is believed that this word was first pronounced in Russia at the beginning of 2017. It was then that the hype was called the hype around the notorious unpleasant incident with Diana Shurygina.

Subsequently, this word became even more popular. It came into fashion, thanks primarily to the popular TV presenter S. Druzhko. In his new blog on YouTube, Sergey repeated it very often - in almost every video. The audience of his channel in a short time gained simply huge. And, of course, the audience immediately picked up new jargon. As a result, after a while, the phrase-meme "A little bit of Haypanem" even began to circulate on the Internet.

What is hype in youth slang?

Actually, there are several meanings of this word. From English, hype is translated primarily as "excitement" or "repetitive, intrusive advertising." The verb formed from hype means in this case - "to untwist", "to inflate". It is in this interpretation that "HYIP" is used most often in youth slang today. Translated into ordinary language, this word means "hype", "excitement".

There is one more answer to the question of what "HYIP" means. Very often this word is used in a similar way to "excitement", but in a slightly different sense. Sometimes "hype" in the mouths of modern young people is "mass discussion", "stormy discussion". This is the meaning, for example, that black PR people attach to this word. "Raising the hype" for them means launching some regular duck in the media.

Other meanings

So, what is hype in youth slang is clear. Initially, this is "excitement" or "mass discussion". But recently, this jargon has often begun to be used in a slightly different sense. Many modern young people associate the word "hype" today primarily with the expression "noisy party". Simply put, "HYIP" is a big, fun party.

Sometimes this word is used in a completely different sense, not connected in any way with youth or fashion. Hype is, in some cases, a major scam. This interpretation is primarily due to the fact that many foreign exchange currency experts often use the abbreviation HYIP. In other words, in the mouth of an economist, this word may sound, for example, like a "financial pyramid".

Thus, there are several meanings of the word "HYIP". But most often this jargon is still used by young people as a designation of some hype, excitement, or something very fashionable. For example, hype (hype) music is, in youth slang, simply top, scandalous and very popular compositions, clips and videos at the moment.