Corey Everson: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Corey Everson: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Corey Everson: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Corey Everson is a famous athlete, six-time winner of the Miss Olympia tournament. She also works in television, does charity work and produces her own line of sports nutrition.

Corey Everson: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Corey Everson: biography, creativity, career, personal life


Corey was born in 1959 in Reisin (Wisconsin, USA) in a family of German immigrants. The parents were middle-class people with traditional family values.

From early childhood, the girl was physically developed and very active. While in elementary school, she set a record in the long jump. Another sporting achievement already in high school was the record in the fifty yards freestyle.

After graduating from high school, Everson entered the University of Wisconsin in the Faculty of Physical Education.


After graduation, Corey became a three-time winner in the Big 10 pentathlon and began to seriously engage in bodybuilding. She decided to connect her life with professional sports.

Corey Everson's athletic performance is impressive. She won the title of "Miss Olympia" and from 1984 to 1989 took first places at all tournaments.

However, all these victories were not so easy for the athlete. In 1981, Corey Everson started having health problems. During the preparation for the next championship, the girl felt a sharp pain in her left leg, but did not interrupt her training.

As a result, it turned out that blood clots had formed in the main veins of her left leg. Thanks to the help of doctors and excellent physical shape, Corey quickly recovered, but due to high blood clotting, the athlete had to fight blood clots all her life.

Life after big sport

Even after finishing his professional sports career, Everson continues to lead an active lifestyle and works hard. She launched her own brand of sports nutrition for women - Cory Everson's Solutions.

In addition, Corey opened the Mind-Body Retreat sports camp, where everyone can get information about proper nutrition, do yoga, aqua aerobics, meditation or kickboxing.

The athlete herself is very serious about her diet. She recommends fractional meals and the introduction of large amounts of fresh vegetables and greens into the daily diet.

Everson is a frequent contributor to various television sports shows. She played several roles in films. Especially worth highlighting her work in the film "Natural Born Killers".

Corey also wrote the book "Life Balance", which was published in good circulation and she found her readers.

Everson is constantly learning something new, after finishing her sports career, she received her education in the field of interior design.

As for Miss Olympia's personal life, her marriage to Jem Everson fell apart in 1992. The athlete was upset by the breakup, but found the strength to go further and believe in love. With her ex-husband, she maintained a warm and friendly relationship.

Everson dreamed of becoming a mother for many years, but due to a blood disease she was unable to fulfill it. Corey did not give up and decided to adopt a baby. In 2000, she took a Slavic boy Boris from the orphanage and raised him as her own son. The athlete is engaged in charity work and participates in various campaigns and fundraising for the needs of orphans.
