The burden on the human body is increasing every century. It is difficult for an individual with a bad memory to live at the current historical moment. Nikolay Yagodkin is engaged in the creation of methods for the development of human natural abilities.

Natural start
For many years, the information field has been "walking" data that a person uses the capabilities of his brain by only three to four percent. This postulate pushes many experts and trainers to create methods to increase this indicator. Nikolay Aleksandrovich Yagodkin occupies leading positions in the specialists of this profile. Talented teachers are as rare in society as musicians, poets, or mathematicians. They all have good memories.

Information coach Yagodkin was born on April 27, 1985 in an intelligent family. Parents lived in the city of labor glory, Leningrad. Father and mother worked in the field of public education. The boy grew up smart and sociable. Studying at a school with an economic bias, he easily and simply explained complex concepts and terms to his peers. Having received a certificate of maturity, Nikolai entered the Mathematics Faculty of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University. As a third year student, he studied in South Korea under the UNESCO exchange program.

Creation of teaching methods
Already in his student years, Yagodkin seriously thought about it, and made plans to create a Center for Educational Technologies. After receiving his diploma, he began to implement his project. Some time ago, the method of mastering a foreign language in a dream was popular among students. Experts conducted a variety of studies and recorded the results. Nikolai himself tried this method and got very mediocre results. And this is just one of the approaches that he used in the process of developing really effective techniques.

Practical exercises and creativity allowed Yagodkin to create accessible techniques for mastering a foreign language. In his materials, he recommends not stupidly accumulating vocabulary, but acting in stages. To begin with, the skill of reading the text is being developed. Then you should get an understanding of what you read. The next step is to move on to speaking practice. At the final stage of training, the writing skill is fixed.
Results and prospects
The Advance Center for Educational Technologies created by Yagodkin has become famous in just three years. Here, everyone who applies will be provided with all possible assistance. If a person goes on a tourist trip abroad in two weeks, he will be able to properly prepare. It should be emphasized that memory according to Yagodkin's methods can be improved at any age.

Little is known about the leader's personal life. Yagodkin maintains a relationship with a woman of his circle, but it is not known whether they will become husband and wife. The memory coach still has time ahead.