Caligula - Executioner Or Victim?

Caligula - Executioner Or Victim?
Caligula - Executioner Or Victim?

Guy Caesar Germanicus is one of the most oppressive and cruel personalities in the history of mankind. He is also known by another name - Caligula. What is this ruler so famous for?

Caligula - Executioner or Victim?
Caligula - Executioner or Victim?

So who was Caligula - a victim or an executioner? This man was born in the twelfth year of our era, the son of Agrippina and Germanicus. The boy grew up in Germany, in a military camp.

Caligula got its name from the name of a soldier's shoes. The future ruler wore it from childhood. Perhaps his mother dressed him in this way, because she wanted to raise a future military leader from a son. Maybe he wore these shoes because he lived in a military camp. Since childhood, Caligula suffered from epilepsy, which in Roman times was called a "sacred disease."

When he was proclaimed emperor, the people were delighted. After all, the new ruler was smart, young and generous, and also had a good education. He was elected consul four times. In addition, the emperor himself strove to ensure that ordinary people loved him. He often encouraged praetorian warriors with money, pardoned the condemned, and also destroyed the list of all traitors to the ruler of Tiberius, restored popular assemblies. Also, this emperor continued the tradition of gladiator fights.

Caligula soon fell ill. Some researchers claim that he may have suffered from encephalitis. Ancient historians describe some "brain inflammation" in the ruler. Rome was all in anticipation of a miracle, asking that their emperor recuperate as soon as possible. He recovered, but his reign has undergone great changes. After suffering an illness, he turned into a monster. Caligula became a mentally unhealthy person, he began to suffer from chronic insomnia, and on a bright day he performed various atrocities.

At the same time, the policy pursued by Caligula has changed. He enjoyed watching the torture of people, he himself participated in gladiatorial battles. From the very beginning, the ruler strove for autocracy. In addition, he ranked himself among the gods. It is still difficult to understand: who is Caligula - the executioner or the victim. After all, it is difficult to answer the question of what could change him so much.

It is also worth noting that this ruler greatly belittled the Senate. In addition, he announced that he wanted to see his own horse as the consul. At the same time, taxes in the country were constantly increasing. The population was more and more oppressed, for any offense, property was often taken from people. Among the Romans, the number of dissatisfied grew. Someone was brutally killed every day. Caligula was not distinguished by morality. He had sexual intercourse with his sisters, did not hesitate to make fun with men and boys. And he turned half of the palace into a real brothel.

In 39 and 40, attempts were made to assassinate Caligula. But two attempts were unsuccessful. The third attempt was still successful. In world history, this emperor is known as the most cruel ruler and tyrant.