What Is The Green Party

What Is The Green Party
What Is The Green Party

The modern political system includes many parties and movements. The goals and objectives that they set for themselves are diverse, and it can be difficult to understand them. There are also quite exotic parties whose interests go beyond traditional political demands. This includes various parties of the "green".

What is the Green Party
What is the Green Party

The Green Party is a formally structured political party that is guided by environmental principles in its activities. The program of such a social movement includes not only the demand for social justice, democratic reforms, but also the protection of the environment.

Green movements are calling for social reforms against the abuse of natural resources. The most striking example of a movement that adheres to such principles is Greenpeace, an international environmental organization founded in 1971 in Canada. Participants of this global "green" movement periodically attract the attention of the public and the authorities with their actions.

Adhering to the ideology of nature conservation, the "green" parties do not leave aside other problems of modern society, supporting the principles of participation in democracy, non-violence, sustainable economic development, and social justice.

Until recently, the only green party in Russia was the Russian Ecological Party Greens. It has about 60 thousand members in almost all regions of the country. The party adheres to a moderate reformist course, considering universal human values and general democratic principles as a priority. The “greens” intend to make the preservation and augmentation of Russia's natural resources a national idea that unites the entire society. One of the promising goals of the organization is the creation of its own "green" faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

At the end of May 2012, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered another environmental-oriented party called the Green Alliance - People's Party. The initiator and leader of this political structure was Oleg Mitvol, at one time the former deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor. As an all-Russian party, the Green Alliance was created on the basis of the Green Initiative movement of ecologists. According to O. Mitvol, the party already has 44 branches throughout Russia. Thus, another "green" player has appeared on the multi-colored Russian political arena.
