A modern Uzbek wedding harmoniously combines old folk traditions and fashion trends of our days. On the one hand, a wedding procession decorated with flowers and balloons and a trip to the registry office. On the other hand, there is the ancient ritual of the wedding ceremony.

Step 1
Despite the fact that the wedding ceremony in Uzbekistan has a thousand-year tradition, in recent decades it could not avoid modern trends. Registration of marriage in the registry office, exchange of wedding rings and colorful wedding cartoons - all this has become commonplace for Uzbeks for a long time. Nevertheless, a wedding in Uzbekistan (nikokh tuy) has its own identity and has a pronounced national flavor.
Step 2
At first glance, Uzbek matchmaking (fatiha tuy) is no different from ours. The same visits of the groom's matchmakers to the bride's house, the same negotiations of the parents. But it only seems so. In fact, the Uzbek engagement is somewhat reminiscent of a certain conspiracy in compliance with a large number of different conventions and canons.
Step 3
So, matchmakers come to the bride's house - the groom's confidants. Most often, this role is played by the most respected people in the village. There should be exactly 2 of them - one man and one woman. They spend the whole evening with the hosts drinking tea and having pleasant conversations on extraneous topics. For tea, biscuits baked by a potential bride must be served. The next evening, a return visit is made to the groom's house.
Step 4
New visits take place in a week. Only the number of matchmakers doubles, and special bread is served to them for tea as a symbol of serious intentions. And conversations are already going directly about the upcoming wedding. In particular, the date of the upcoming celebration is being set. Further, such matchmaking visits have been going on for some time.
Step 5
It is customary to celebrate a wedding in Uzbekistan for two days. The first day, at the groom's house, and on the second - the bride. In the morning, the closest relatives gather in the courtyard of the bride's house, and in their presence the actual wedding ceremony takes place. A solemn prayer is read to future newlyweds, their new responsibilities are explained, and wedding rings are exchanged. Then the young, accompanied by friends, go to the registry office. At this time, the guests move to the groom's house and gather at a large table. The treat is modest: tea, fruits, grapes, flat cakes. And only after the return of the young does the wedding feast begin.
Step 6
An obligatory attribute of a wedding yard or hall is carpets. They hang around the perimeter, creating a semblance of colorfully decorated walls.
Step 7
As for the dishes on the table, their abundance can please any glutton. Shurpa, pilaf, shish kebab - all these guests are treated to, washed down with green tea. But alcoholic drinks on the wedding table are completely absent. Perhaps that is why there is no riotous fun at an Uzbek wedding. The songs are sung, but quietly. They dance, but slowly. And the wedding itself is more like a social event.