Alexander Hamilton: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Alexander Hamilton: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Alexander Hamilton: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

He is called the father of the US financial system. Contemporaries were much more interested in the juicy adventures of our hero.

Alexander Hamilton: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Alexander Hamilton: biography, creativity, career, personal life

This man had personal reasons to build a new state. A native of the colonies, who knew in childhood all the hardships that the children of immigrants from Europe faced, he wanted to see the American continent not as hard labor, but as a Fatherland.


The story began with the fact that Rachel Fawcett fled from her husband and moved from the Virgin Islands, which were ruled by Denmark, to the island of Nevis, which was owned by the British. There she met the Scotsman Alexander Hamilton and bore him two sons. The boy named after his parent was born in 1755, although later in his biography he claimed that this happened 2 years later.

Island of nevis
Island of nevis

Soon after adding to the family, the couple broke up. The unfortunate mother was declared a fraud, she was forced to leave home with her children and died in 1768. Orphans were refused to be admitted to school, as they were illegitimate. Alexander was taken up by a friend of the family, merchant Thomas Stevens, and his brother was sent to study with a carpenter. The adoptive father gave the named son a good education and in 1772 sent him to New York, where he could continue his studies.


During the year, the teenager was engaged in self-education. The result of his work was admission to King's College. Public discontent with London's colonial policies raged on, and the young student expounded his views in several magazine articles. He was a supporter of granting state rights and freedoms to colonies.

Alexander Hamilton in the uniform of a New York gunner. Artist Alonzo Chappell
Alexander Hamilton in the uniform of a New York gunner. Artist Alonzo Chappell

When the Revolutionary War broke out, Alexander Hamilton joined the New York militia. He turned to the city's wealthy, and they financed the creation of an artillery company. In 1776, our hero in the rank of captain, together with his soldiers, repelled the attacks of the British. The young officer proved to be a fine fellow, his colleagues predicted a brilliant military career for him.

At Washington headquarters

Once the brave man received an invitation to join the headquarters of George Washington himself. The ideologist of independence wanted to see the gallant artilleryman as his adjutant. Alexander agreed. The future president trusted his valuable subordinate to diplomatic correspondence.

In 1780, troops were stationed near the Skyler estate. Washington was a friend of the owner of the estate. Together with several officers, he dropped in to visit a friend. Alexander liked the daughter of the landowner Elizabeth. The war did not allow postponing important decisions until tomorrow, because the marriage proposal was made almost on the day of their acquaintance. A few months later, Hamilton got a wife.

Elizabeth Skyler
Elizabeth Skyler

After the war

The successes at the front were pleasing, but they also set a difficult task for them - after the victory, it was necessary to establish a peaceful life in the country. Alexander Hamilton grew more and more irritable. It seemed to him that his superiors underestimated his contribution to the common cause. He secured a transfer from headquarters to active duty and took part in the Battle of Yorktown, a battle that marked the final defeat of the British.

Alexander Hamilton. Artist Randy Petersen
Alexander Hamilton. Artist Randy Petersen

After the conclusion of the Treaty of Paris, Hamilton resigned and in the same 1782 took a seat in the Congress of the Confederation. The anarchy that reigned in the country was no less a threat to independence than foreign invasion. Attempts to call fellow citizens to order were unsuccessful, and the aspiring politician left the government. For several years, our hero was engaged in jurisprudence, banking and the restoration of the education system.

Big politics and little affairs

The founding of the Bank of New York and the success of this endeavor inspired Alexander Hamilton to return to politics. In 1787 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly. A year later, he became the first of the deputies to sign the Constitution of the new state. President George Washington knew that this man could be relied on, and in 1789 he appointed him to the post of US Treasury Secretary. Hamilton's work in this position laid the foundations of the country's modern financial system. After retiring in 1795, he continued to advise colleagues on economic issues.

Scene from the musical
Scene from the musical

In the personal life of the gentleman respected by all, order was not observed. In marriage, he already had 8 children, and he was looking for adventure outside of marriage. In 1797 it became known that Hamilton was in love with a married woman, Maria Reynolds. So that the faithful of this beauty did not throw scandals for a sweet couple, he was paid. Hamilton's political opponents immediately accused him of embezzling money from the state treasury for amorous adventures.


The spicy scandal ended with the fact that Alexander Hamilton published a brochure in which he described in detail the affair with Mary and how he paid her husband from his own pocket for silence. In the hands of his enemies, this creativity has become a serious weapon. They already spoke not about embezzlement, but about the immorality of the former minister. This did not bother the famous ladies' man, he continued to publish pamphlets, where he branded his ill-wishers with shame.

Duel of Aharon Burr and Alexander Hamilton. Engraving
Duel of Aharon Burr and Alexander Hamilton. Engraving

A certain Aaron Burr for several years miserably failed all elections. The unfortunate man assured himself that the reason for this was criticism from Hamilton. In 1804, a failed politician challenged his opponent to a duel. The gentlemen were shooting from 10 steps. Alexander Hamilton was mortally wounded and died the next day. In the pocket of his coat, they found a letter where he claimed that during the upcoming fight he would shoot in the air.
