When the socio-economic structure is changing in the state, ill-considered and careless actions can lead to negative consequences. The transition of the national economic mechanism from a planned foundation to a market one was accompanied by acute and painful cataclysms. Tragic situations were avoided thanks to a well-thought-out decision-making system. Alexander Nikolaevich Shokhin is an active participant in the reform of the Russian economy.

Opportunities and prospects
According to the traditions in force in civilized countries, the biography of a public person is studied to the smallest detail and evaluated according to the strictest criteria. And you have to be ready for this. Currently, Alexander Nikolaevich Shokhin holds the post of President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. It is easy to assume that such a responsible post can only be occupied by a trained person. And not only professionally prepared, but also wise by everyday experience.
According to the entry in the birth certificate, Alexander Shokhin was born on December 25, 1951. The family at that time lived in the Plesetsk district of the Arkhangelsk region. It is interesting to note that the boy's parents were workers. His father worked as a driver, and his mother was a primary school teacher at school. When Sasha was three years old, his parents moved closer to Moscow, where the construction of an oil refinery was unfolding at that time. Work at the construction site was in full swing, and the living conditions of the workers were improving, as they say, before our eyes.

Upon arrival at their new place of residence, the Shokhins settled in a barrack. A year later, they were provided with living space in a communal apartment. And after a while they allocated a state apartment in a residential area of the capital. Apparently, Alexander did not like such a mechanism, and, being a mature person, he vigorously fought to free the state from social obligations to citizens. In the meantime, the boy went to school and showed a learning ability. He did not receive a gold medal, but there were no triplets in his matriculation certificate.
It should be noted that Alexander wore glasses since childhood. Low vision significantly limited the choice of profession. Of course, if the parents were serving in the diplomatic corps or trade mission in the distant island of Ceylon, then something could be done. But under the real circumstances, even ordering glasses with the right lenses was not so easy. Having actually weighed all the available considerations and arguments, Shokhin decided to get a higher education at the Faculty of Political Economy of Moscow State University.

Career growth
Shokhin received his MSU student card in 1969. In those days, this educational institution was considered one of the best on the planet. Here, not only citizens of the Soviet Union received high-quality knowledge, but also the best representatives of young people from different countries. Unfortunately, at the moment the university's rating has dropped, as they say, "below the plinth." Alexander clearly understood the goals to be achieved and the current tasks facing him. Within the walls of the university, he met some of his peers who became prominent figures in politics and business.
Having received a red diploma in 1974, Alexander Shokhin came to work at the USSR State Planning Committee. He was accepted as a junior researcher at the Research Institute of Economics under this structure. The young specialist deals with the problems of labor organization at enterprises of various industries. During that period, the decline in the growth rates of the economy as a whole was already clearly manifested. Labor productivity was noticeably lower than in the countries of the capitalist camp. The research conducted has made a certain contribution to the improvement of some indicators. But the formed trend was not changed. According to the scientist, the country needed cardinal transformations.

Alexander Shokhin's career as a scientist progressed successfully. In 1986 he defended his Ph. D. thesis, and a year later he was invited to work as an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For four years Shokhin has effectively headed the Department of International Economic Relations at the Foreign Ministry. In 1989 he defended his doctoral dissertation and headed the Institute for Employment Problems of the State Labor Committee. Scientific and practical creativity is to his taste, but two years later the entire Soviet system collapses.
During the transition period from socialism to the wild market, which is usually defined as the interval from 1991 to 1996, Alexander Shokhin is actively working in the Government of the Russian Federation. If the situation with the reform of the economy was clear, then the issues of social policy needed a detailed study. The famous slogan “from each according to his ability, to each according to his work” has lost its material basis. The incomes of a significant part of citizens consisted not only of wages, but also of property rent.
Public and political work
Since 1996, when the mainstream of the country's development was defined, Alexander Shokhin was actively involved in political activities. The importance of this direction consisted in the fact that at the legislative level, the changes that took place in society and the economy were enshrined. An authoritative expert is elected to the State Duma, where heated discussions unfold. It makes sense to note that the intensity of the discussions has not diminished even at the current time. Real life constantly throws up new problems.

In 2005, Shokhin was elected president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. In this post, one has to deal with a wide range of issues that arise in the process of production and distribution of material goods. Particular attention is paid to compliance with labor laws and technological requirements in the workplace. Russian companies must take a stronger position in the international market. Unfortunately, apart from primary raw materials, there is still nothing to offer foreign consumers. This priority task needs to be accomplished in the shortest possible time.
Unlike the economy, the personal life of Alexander Nikolaevich Shokhin proceeds without serious cataclysms. The husband and wife met during their student years and managed to maintain their union to this day. They raised and raised two children - a son and a daughter. Today the Shokhins have five grandchildren, but this is not the limit. The head of the family continues to work and does not think about retirement.