Who Is A Hater

Who Is A Hater
Who Is A Hater

The word "hater" is now often found in blogs and forums. Moreover, it is often found even in the lyrics of songs, especially when it comes to rap. Finally, you can see it in the comments to the videos posted on the Internet.

Who is a hater
Who is a hater

Who are the haters

The word "hater" comes from the English hate, which means "hatred". There is no word in Russian that has a similar meaning. Haters are people who openly express hostility towards a person, book, film, TV series, song, or even creativity in general, but at the same time act aggressively, pushing the interlocutors to conflict. As a rule, haters cannot come up with suitable arguments to support their point of view. In extreme cases, they can not only express a negative opinion about something, but in addition threaten the person who does not please them with violence, slander him and use other similar techniques.

To better understand the meaning of the word "hater", one should take into account that in most cases the reason for the aggression of such people is not so much the desire to throw out negative emotions without any reason, but envy, anger caused by someone else's success. Many haters are unhappy that someone was able to achieve recognition and fame, while they themselves did not succeed.

In some cases, haters are people who quite reasonably and fairly criticize someone's work. Especially often this word is used by young “creators” who have not yet achieved any success and react too painfully to any comments addressed to them. In fact, this use of the term is not entirely correct. With the same success, you can call an experienced and successful writer who gives valuable advice to a graphomaniac as an envious person.

How to deal with haters

As a rule, haters act anonymously, and this is another of their differences from people who seek constructive criticism and do not hide their faces. They write negative comments and messages on the pages of websites, in the mail, in personal correspondence, but at the same time they use nicknames and try not to indicate their real data. This means that it is almost impossible to meet such a hater and talk to him in person. The best option in this case is to block the person, deprive him of the opportunity to write to you from a specific account. However, do not forget that he can register under a different nickname in order to continue "communication".

The best way to deal with a hater is to completely ignore all of his messages. Not receiving the desired response in return, such people find themselves another victim. Do not pay attention to evil words. Of course, they can offend and even seriously offend, but it is important to understand that in fact, you should not listen to the opinions of haters.