Jason Momoa is an American-born actor. Became popular after the release of the film "Conan the Barbarian" and the serial fantasy project "Game of Thrones". At the present stage, he participates in the filming of films about superheroes. In 2015, he appeared in front of the audience in the form of Aquaman.

Not everyone knows that Jason Momoa's name is actually Joseph Jason Namakeaha. Born in Honolulu in 1979. Lived in this city not too long. After the divorce of his parents, he and his mother moved to Iowa, to the city of Norwalk. It was here that he received his secondary education and entered college. However, he did not finish his studies. Having dropped out of school, he moved to live in the Hawaiian Islands. As he has stated more than once, he was always drawn to the ocean.
But Jason still got his education. After graduating from college, he began to work as a model. For this he had all the necessary external data. After receiving the title "Model of the Year" I thought about the career of an actor.
Film success
The debut in cinema took place in 1999. Jason appeared in the famous multi-part project "Rescuers Malibu". You can see him in 10-11 seasons. For a novice artist, such a debut is a dream. Therefore, there is nothing strange that Momoa began to be in demand among directors after the release of the series.

In 2004, the full-length movie "The Johnson Family Vacation" was released on television. The picture was positively received not only by moviegoers, but also by critics. Jason became truly successful when he starred in the movie Stargate Atlantis. In the image of Ronan, Jason appeared before the audience for five years.
Successful motion pictures
Jason gained immense popularity thanks to his work in the multi-part project "Game of Thrones". Before the audience, he appeared in the form of Khal Drogo. By the way, getting the role was not too difficult. At the casting, he didn't even say a word from the script. But I had to demonstrate the ability to dance. He did it so effectively that he was immediately invited to the set. By the way, Jason performed the ritual dance of the Maori tribe. Regardless of the fact that the actor appeared only in the first season, his hero simply could not help but be remembered.
In 2011, the movie "Conan the Barbarian" was released. Jason played the main role. While working on the creation of the film, I managed to get acquainted with the famous actor Mickey Rourke. The work in the film "The Unstoppable" became successful. Jason and Sylvester Stallone got the leading roles in it. Significant projects include “Wolves”, “The Way to Paloma”, “Bad Party”, “His Dog Business”, “Border”, “Wild”.
Superhero movie
Jason Momoa was hired for the role of Aquaman in 2015. Regardless of the fact that the image of the popular actor did not correspond to the hero from the comics, fans of the DC universe greeted Jason positively. In the image of Aquaman, the actor first appeared in a small episode in the movie “Batman v Superman” before moviegoers. Subsequently, the tape "Justice League" was released, in which Jason appeared already in one of the main roles.
Jason's Aquaman appearance will not be his last. In plans to shoot in a solo film and in the sequel to the "Justice League". All these projects should be released in the near future.
Life off the set
Jason Momoa's personal life cannot be called stormy for romance. He has a wife named Lisa Bonet. She is 12 years older than the actor. The acquaintance took place during the filming of the Cosby Show multi-part project. Lisa was married at the time. She also had a daughter. For a long time, Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet lived in a civil marriage. However, in 2017 it became known that the wedding did take place. Jason and Lisa have children. The daughter's name is Lola, and the son's name is Nakoa-Wulf Manakauapo.
In his free time, Jason rides a mountain bike, often visits ski resorts. Love to draw very much. Prior to his acting career, he studied painting.

The famous man has his own Instagram page. Jason quite often uploads photos from the rest and from the set.