Igor Chekhov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Igor Chekhov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Igor Chekhov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Stand-up comedian and Comedy Club resident Igor Chekhov was made famous by the humorous duet Kukota & Chekhov. He works at the junction of clownery, plastic theater and stand-up.

Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The real name of the already famous comedian Igor Chekhov is Yegor Sergeevich Kozlikin. Friends have always noted his sense of humor and cheerful character. He successfully joked from the school stage, he himself composed scripts, humorous scenes. In the 9th grade, he headed the KVN team.

The path to the vocation

The biography of the future comic artist began in 1987. The child was born not far from Grodno, in the Belarusian town of Smorgon. From childhood, the boy was distinguished by a cheerful disposition. He constantly made friends and listeners laugh with his performances. At school, he actively participated in KVN.

The high school student himself composed sketches. After graduating, Yegor decided to continue his education at the Stavropol Agrarian University. The graduate intended to become a mechanical engineer. The student was immediately included in the university KVN team. He also took over as captain of the national team.

The future creativity was determined after meeting Mikhail Kukota. The guys became friends and started performing together. At first, they joked only on stage during the games. Realizing that they are much better humorists than a mechanic and an electrician in the future, the young people reasonably reasoned that it was necessary to create a duet.

Egor used a stage name he had invented. The humorous mini-team "Kukota & Chekhov" began to gain recognition from show business professionals. By the time of graduation, Igor realized that he was no longer interested in a career as an engineer. Together with Kukota, he went to St. Petersburg.

Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

There Igor and Mikhail entered the city Academy of Theater Arts. The debut in the stand-up format for the beginning showmen was 2008. The success opened the doors for them in Comedy Petersburg.

The beginning of a career in the world of humor

Very soon, the partners became one of the most successful modern comic duos. The authors called the unique genre created by the guys plastic idiocy. However, neither the fans nor the audience liked this option. Unlike artists, they call inventions realized in numbers as cartoons.

Both guys manage to elicit laughter without a word. The sheer delight of the audience is provided by plastic, power techniques, acrobatics and clown grimaces, complemented by the charisma of the performers. So far, the only tandem on the domestic stage does not need words or long dialogues to convey its humorous messages to the audience. Partners have already become guests and participants in many television programs.

The guys appeared in the project "Do not sleep", starred in "Laughter without rules", "Slaughter League", made the audience laugh at "Comedy Battle", "Tochki Yu", "Bunker News", the festival "Big Difference". Even "Full House" was not without the presence and participation of humorists.

Having become residents of the Comedy Club, the artists presented a lot of numbers on the most burning topics, including those that do not seem funny at all. In their interpretation, even dramatic events turned into comedic situations.

Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The duet often goes on tour in the company of the Petersburg collective of comedians "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev". They visited many Siberian cities during their trip in 2016.

Family and work

Not only Igor's career in show business became successful, but also his personal life. The comedian's chosen one for a long time was the actress Yulia Topolnitskaya. The star of the clip "Exhibit" of the "Leningrad" group is distinguished by the same great sense of humor as Igor himself.

As the young people themselves admit, they have solved Yulia's problem radically: she will not have to look for a friend to go “to the Van Gogh exhibition”. It was Chekhov. The acquaintance took place at one of the St. Petersburg parties. Since then, the couple has not parted. Igor often pleases the chosen one with her favorite flowers, pink peonies.

The official ceremony took place on July 6, 2016. After it, the lovers became husband and wife. The event was filmed, the guests posted pictures on social networks and on Instagram. And as musical accompaniment sounded songs of "Leningrad" performed by the bride.

Igor also performs at open venues. The premiere of the cross-genre production of the duet "Wes Shakespeare" took place in the fall of 2017. The experimental performance was directed by Ilya Moshitsky. In his version, both traditional British theater and modern interpretations of the works of the famous playwright collided. The script uses 6 of the most popular pieces of the classic. In St. Petersburg, the duet's performances were successfully staged in a new production.

Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life


The talented comedian also began his film career. He made his debut in 2009. However, the audience could not see the picture "Mama-Moscow": the shooting was not completed. A new offer seven years later was work in the family comedy "Santa Claus. Battle of the Magicians."

In the New Year's story about the journey of the girl Masha into the world of fantastic flying creatures with the appearance of the real Santa Claus, the audience saw in 2016. The artist's participation in the crime cinema genre was an unexpected step for fans.

In the telenovela "Such a Job" Igor was entrusted with the role of Nikolai Borisov. In the story about the investigations carried out by the special police unit, the artist starred in the Numismatist series.

Again in the action-packed film, Chekhov appeared in the film "Alien Face" in 2017. He reincarnated as Wad for the episode "Roundabout". The picture was released on the NTV channel.

Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Igor Chekhov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Together with his wife Igor took part in the film project "Piter by Casta". It told about the creativity of the popular music team "Casta". The premiere took place at the beginning of 2018. The stars of Russian cinema Ksenia Rappoport and Artur Smolyaninov starred with the comedian.
