The nomenclature unit in the structure of the territorial departments of the Russian police is such subdivisions as the local police stations (SCP). In a police station, in addition to the District Police Commissioner (PDO) and his assistants, there may be employees of the Criminal Investigation Department, juvenile police and probation officers, as well as members of the public.

The popular television series "Police Station", which shows the everyday life of the District Police Department (OP), should, strictly speaking, be titled differently. After all, the name "police station" refers to another specially equipped room, which is a structural unit of the territorial department - "local police station" (SCP).
Law enforcement and preventive work of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out in compliance with the territorial principle. The service area of any police station is divided into administrative sections, each of which has its own number and is assigned to a local police officer (PPC) for a period of at least a year. This officer was entrusted by the state with the functions that in the system of internal affairs of tsarist Russia were performed by a district supervisor, and in the Soviet period - by a district police inspector. Since those times, a short term “district police officer” has been retained for the representative for work with the population.

The area entrusted to him is determined depending on the number of people living in this territory, and citizens who are in the police on a preventive account. Currently, the generally accepted norm is a territory with a population of 7-10 to 20 thousand people. And the list of powers of such an officer contains about 90 points relating to almost all areas of police activity. Therefore, the district police jokingly call themselves "universal soldiers" or "policemen of all trades," and sociological researchers have given them the definition - "the workhorse" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In order to regulate the issues of interaction of law enforcement agencies “on the ground” with citizens, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation N 1166 was issued. were called before the 2011 reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

Police Station Equipment Regulations
Article 48 of the Federal Law-3 "On the Police", among other aspects of material and technical support, stipulates that the work of the commissioners in the field requires a specially adapted room.
As a general rule, the district police station (SCP) is located in the center of the administrative section (microdistrict) assigned to the authorized person. If possible, a detached building is set aside for the police station. When located on the same territory with organizations or in residential buildings, the SCP room must be isolated and have a separate entrance equipped with a double door. The outer door is made all-metal or plank (at least 40 mm thick), upholstered with sheet metal. Internal - metal lattice. Reliable locks and locks are installed on the entrance group, metal crate in the window openings. A mandatory attribute is a burglar alarm. This can be a system with output to the centralized monitoring panel of the territorial police department or an autonomous siren-type alarm system, which is installed outside the building.

A sign with the inscription "Precinct police station" is made in the form of a luminous or backlit block, located so that it is clearly visible. The information board contains the following data: the serial number of the UPP, the telephone numbers of the duty unit, information about the district police officers and the procedure for receiving citizens by them.
What is equipped with the UPP room
When equipping an office building for police officers in administrative sections, the possibility of placing several specialists in it for joint work is taken into account: district police officers, their assistants, a juvenile police officer (juvenile police officers and probation officers), operational workers, as well as members of the public. A room for receiving citizens is designed to work with appeals and applications, to provide visitors with legal and advisory assistance.

Stands (showcases) with information of a legal nature are placed in the corridor or hall of the site: memos and booklets for visitors, excerpts from regulatory documents: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Police", the Codes of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Administrative Code). The following information must be indicated in a conspicuous place: on the location and officials of the police department, which controls the site; about the prosecutor's office and the court, where you can apply in order to appeal against the actions or inaction of the police, report on their non-compliance with the rules for working with citizens.
The offices of employees are equipped with communication means and office equipment, as well as provided with a wall plan and a map-scheme of the territory (microdistrict), on which the boundaries are marked and the characteristics of the administrative area are indicated. The room should have the required amount of furniture, fire-fighting and household equipment, and a first aid kit.

When visiting the SCP, you should pay attention to the following:
- ease of finding the police station;
- the ability to freely enter it;
- arrangement of the premises for visitors;
- availability of a "hot line" number at the information stand for communication with higher law enforcement and supervisory authorities.
The openness and accessibility of the police to a citizen is primarily determined by how authorized officers are ready to receive him at the police station at his place of residence.