What Are The Services Of Philip To Macedonia

What Are The Services Of Philip To Macedonia
What Are The Services Of Philip To Macedonia

The Macedonian king Philip II was undoubtedly an outstanding military leader. But, apparently, the glory of his outstanding son Alexander the Great overshadowed his great achievements. But it was he who prepared the fertile ground for the great military achievements of his descendant.

Philip after the victory at Chaeronea
Philip after the victory at Chaeronea

Many historians joke, claiming that the main merit of Philip II of Macedon to his country is the creation of his great son Alexander.

Philip's reign begins

In fact, this is certainly not the case. As an inheritance from his brother Periccus III, Philip received a very weak country. From all sides Macedonia was tormented by its enemies - the Thracians and Illyrians. Greece also looked at the lands of the disintegrating state.

Lacking a strong army, Philip dealt with his enemies through diplomacy. Despite his young age (he was only 23 years old), he managed to show remarkable diplomatic abilities. Through persuasion, bribery and cunning maneuvers, he managed to avoid external threats, put an end to internal turmoil and create a powerful army. He also creates a fleet and is one of the first to start building siege and stone throwing machines.

The situation prevailing at that time in neighboring states also plays into his hands. On the one hand, there are disorganized barbarian tribes. On the other hand, Greece is in deep crisis. And with the third - the Persian Empire of the Achenids, which began its decay.

Philip's triumphant victories

In 553 BC. Philip starts his first war”as part of the Delphic coalition, which included the Fevans and Thezcals. It was conducted against the Phokides and the Fokinians who supported them. The result of a short military campaign was the annexation of Thessaly, entry into the Delphic Amphiktyony and the receipt of arbitration functions in relation to Greece.

This is followed by a series of new victories. Philip subjugates the Pesnians. It recaptures the previously captured Macedonian cities from the Illyrians. It takes the large shopping center Amphipolis by storm and captures the Greek city of Pidna on the southern coast of Macedonia. In 356, his army took turns occupying the city of Patidea, the Krendt region and the gold mines on Mount Pangey. Filirr failed only once in this long series of victorious campaigns. The siege of the cities of Parif and Byzantium was not crowned with victory.

The crowning of Philip's military victories was the conquest of Greece. By the way, Philip himself with his army entered the land of ancient Hellas not as a conqueror. He was invited by the inhabitants of Greece themselves, in order to punish the inhabitants of Amfissa with his tailoring, who arbitrarily seized the sacred lands. But, having ruined this city, the Macedonian king captured several more Greek cities, thereby invoking fear and anger to the ruler of Athens. They managed to conclude an anti-Macedonian alliance of the largest Greek cities.

In 338 BC. the decisive battle of Chaeronea took place, in which the allied forces were defeated.

Fear and panic then reigned in Athens. But Philip did not go to the capital, preferring to conclude a peace that was beneficial for himself and very soft for the Greeks. As a result, Greece was able to maintain its state. But the former greatness of ancient Greece was finally lost.
