How To Apply For An Actor In A Theater Institute

How To Apply For An Actor In A Theater Institute
How To Apply For An Actor In A Theater Institute

Table of contents:


Many books are published on the topic of admission to theatrical institutes, and programs for applicants are also written, but applicants never end up with questions, and they are basically the same.

How to apply for an actor in a theater institute
How to apply for an actor in a theater institute

It is necessary

Several photos three by four, learned materials for the creative competition


Step 1

First, select the educational institution to which you will enroll. You can choose several, if they are located in the same city, and you will have time to pass the qualifiers in them. Find the websites of these universities on the Internet, find out the phone number of the admissions committee and specify the exam schedule, as well as the number of documents that will need to be submitted upon admission. It would be nice to find groups dedicated to applicants on social networks, chat there with people like you.

Step 2

Prepare materials for the creative competition. It is best to start preparing a year before admission. You should have in your luggage about three fables (Krylov, Mikhalkov, Aesop, Lessing, Rudaki, etc.), three or four poems, a couple of excerpts from prose and so many excerpts from plays. If more is good. Choose the material yourself (mostly from the school curriculum, but do not neglect foreign classics). In general, in the programs for applicants, a list of references is often indicated. The works that you choose should be on different topics, by different authors. Take what you understand, what you like, what resonates in your soul.

Step 3

Try not to worry as you go through the three creative tours. Educators start looking at you only at the second or third stage. If you pass them - get ready for a test for musical ear, as well as stage movement (mainly coordination, the ability to perform light acrobatic stunts). Do not panic if something does not work out for you, do as much as you can, do not show your despair.

Step 4

Choose low-key, simple clothes for admission. Trousers, shirts and sweaters are suitable for boys. Girls can wear a dress or a blouse with a skirt above the knee, the heel is better not big. For stage movement classes, prepare a tracksuit - leggings, a T-shirt, ballet flats.

How to apply for an actor in a theater institute
How to apply for an actor in a theater institute

Step 5

After all the tests, an essay or presentation, a creative competition for interaction (creating an etude on the go, completing the task) and, possibly, an interview with the master await you. Pass all these tests calmly, communicate with your “companions in misfortune”, do not be afraid to interact or ask for help.

Step 6

If, nevertheless, luck has not smiled at you, it may make sense to enroll in a secondary specialized educational institution or in a correspondence department, which, unfortunately, is not available in all universities.
