Igor Mislyumovich Nadzhiev: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Igor Mislyumovich Nadzhiev: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Igor Mislyumovich Nadzhiev: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Igor Nadzhiev has not only a bright stage appearance. Each song performed by him is an independent solo performance, fiery and passionate.

Igor Nadzhiev
Igor Nadzhiev

The origins of the biography

Igor Mislyumovich Nadzhiev was born on November 13, 1967 in the city of Astrakhan. Father - Mislyum Moisumovich worked in a car repair shop, from Iranian princes. Mother is Russian by nationality, Antonina Nikolaevna acted as a stoker at the bakery. She performed Russian romances very well.

Study and early career

From the age of four, unable to read or write, he began to attend a music school of his own free will, to which two more were added - art and general education.

He began his solo career at the age of fourteen - a vocal and instrumental ensemble was organized at a knitwear factory, where he was invited. In 1983, having successfully passed the exams, he entered the Astrakhan School of Music, where he received a classical education.

And three years later, he was sent by the local philharmonic society to represent his hometown at the All-Union Song Contest in Sochi, where he was awarded the Audience Choice Award, the Honorary Diploma of the Jury and the third prize, which caused confusion among specialists - he was forbidden to take part in such events. But at this difficult moment he was supported by Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru - after graduating from a music school in 1987, Igor Nadzhiev repeatedly became a laureate of numerous competitions and festivals.


For many years it was believed that Igor Nadzhiev was trying to look like Michael Jackson. The reason is very prosaic - at school he stood up for a classmate, broke his nose in a fight. Four surgeries were unsuccessful and additional surgical interventions were required.



The formation of Igor Nadzhiev as a singer was facilitated by his acquaintance with the famous songwriter Leonid Petrovich Derbeney, and the most popular composer Maxim Dunaevsky. The extravagant singer works fruitfully and has released twelve albums. The last disc released is dedicated to the lady of his heart in 2016. Igor Nadzhiev played in five feature films. Has performed musical compositions in six films. At the moment, the artist is actively involved in solo activities, gathering full halls of his fans. The singer is distinguished by a variety of songs in his repertoire - from patriotic to lyric.

Personal life

Appearing at the wedding of Nikita Dzhigurda, famous for his scandalous reputation, accompanied by a pretty woman, Igor Nadzhiev thereby denied the rumors about his sexual orientation. The musician's wife, Alla Nadzhieva, has been its director for many years. Igor's life partner has two children - a son and a daughter. Igor Mislyumovich has several state awards.
