Fire is one of the most serious uncontrolled disasters. It is often very difficult to extinguish a fire, and it is much easier to implement the necessary fire safety measures - both at the workplace and at home, and when traveling out of town.

Step 1
To prevent a fire situation, it is necessary to know the main causes of fires. This is, first of all, careless handling of fire, non-observance of the rules for the operation of electrical appliances, thunderstorms, spontaneous combustion of flammable substances, non-observance of the rules for using gas stoves.
Step 2
When resting in nature, do not leave behind an unextinguished fire. At the same time, always fill the fire, and do not just wait for the wood to stop burning - the embers can easily flare up again. When making a fire, dig a groove around the fire site or pour sand around the circumference so that the fire does not spread beyond the area allotted for it. Never light a fire in dry, hot weather.
Step 3
In the country house and where there are many wooden buildings and trees, do not burn garbage, grass, fires. When using the barbecue, watch the direction of the wind so that the sparks do not spread to the wooden buildings. When handling fire, always have an adequate supply of water on hand for a quick response.
Step 4
At home, make sure that household appliances and the gas stove are properly used. Explain to children from an early age how to handle flammable objects, keep children away from sockets, electrical appliances, gas stove.
Step 5
A lot of fires are caused by careless handling of cigarettes. Make it a rule to never smoke in bed and always extinguish cigarette butts thoroughly before throwing them away.
Step 6
When leaving home and going to bed, be sure to check that all electrical appliances and the stove are turned off.
Step 7
To prevent a fire caused by a lightning discharge, for example, in a country house, install a lightning rod near the house.
Step 8
In the workplace, have a fire extinguisher in every room. Moreover, each employee must imagine how to use it in the event of a fire situation. Supervisors should also regularly implement standard fire safety measures: consulting employees, monitoring fire alarms, ensuring easy access to emergency fire exits.