Do They Take Into The Army With Flat Feet Of The Second Degree

Do They Take Into The Army With Flat Feet Of The Second Degree
Do They Take Into The Army With Flat Feet Of The Second Degree

With longitudinal or transverse flat feet of the second degree, conscripts are taken into the army. In this case, when passing the medical commission, the category of fitness "B" is usually established, which implies the suitability of a person to perform military service with minor restrictions.

Do they take into the army with flat feet of the second degree
Do they take into the army with flat feet of the second degree

Flat-footedness is a common reason for the recognition of young men of draft age as limited fit for military service. However, flat feet of the second degree are not considered the basis for establishing this category of fitness, therefore, with this disease, they are usually drafted into the army. The conscripts who have such flat feet during the passage of the medical commission are assigned category "B", which prescribes certain restrictions in fulfilling their respective duties to the state, but does not completely exempt them from them.

Legal regulation

Flat feet of the second degree corresponds to clause 68 of the Schedule of Diseases, which is an appendix to the Regulations on Military Medical Expertise, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. This clause contains the following subclauses:

a) flat feet, other deformities of the foot with significant dysfunction;

b) flat feet associated with moderate dysfunction;

c) foot deformities, flat feet with slight dysfunction;

d) objective data that do not indicate impairment of functions.

Correspondence of the conscript's illness to the first named subparagraph entails complete exemption from the duties of military service, that is, the category "D" is established for such a conscript - not fit for service. The identification of the second or third subparagraphs on the medical commission leads to the establishment of category "B" - limited fitness for military service. In this case, you will not have to go to the army either.

To which point does the flat feet of the second degree refer?

Flat feet of the second degree always refers to the last subparagraph of paragraph 68 of the Schedule of Diseases, which is directly indicated in the explanations contained in this document. In this case, the specific type of this disease does not matter, since the longitudinal and transverse flat feet of a given degree do not cause dysfunctions. That is why, in the presence of this disease, the conscript can only count on the establishment of category "B", which does not exempt from the direct fulfillment of military duty. At the same time, flat feet of the third or fourth degree is an unconditional basis for exemption from service, since such a person, when undergoing a surgical examination, is recognized as partially fit, he is not taken into the army.
