What Is Public Relations

What Is Public Relations
What Is Public Relations

Public relations, or public relations, is part of a company's marketing strategy. Thanks to effective PR mechanisms, the image of the company is improved, which is reflected in the level of sales of its products.

Public relations shape the firm's image
Public relations shape the firm's image

Definition of PR

There are more than 15 author's definitions of PR (public relations), in which theorists and practitioners of public relations express their point of view on the industry. The Webster International Explanatory Dictionary says that PR is the science and art of building mutual understanding and goodwill between an individual, firm or enterprise and the public. In Russian-speaking countries, words such as PR, public relations, and public relations are used to denote this phenomenon.

The essence of PR is to perform one of the marketing functions aimed at increasing demand for products and increasing sales. This function is implemented by influencing public opinion by forming and maintaining the image of the manufacturing company.

The renowned sociologist and PR classic, Sam Black, was the first to formulate a code of ethics for public relations specialists. The foundation of public relations is formed by such principles as:

- openness of information;

- reliance on objective laws of relations between people, organizations, firms and the public, mass consciousness;

- firm refusal to manipulate public opinion through attempts to pass off wishful thinking;

- respect for the individuality and personality of a person, his creative characteristics;

- involvement of highly qualified specialists in the work, giving them the maximum opportunity to make independent decisions.

Unfortunately, many of these rules are ignored by PR specialists today, focusing on the subjective aspects of the activities of individuals and organizations, leaving only one side of the coin to the public.

The value and technology of PR

Well-established public relations help the brand become recognizable, increase its sales, and increase its competitiveness. PR goals are achieved by implementing a set of actions:

- Creation of informational reasons that can be profitably highlighted in the press (launch of a new product, new packaging design, improvement of the composition of products, etc.);

- monitoring of publications in the press for the presence of messages on a topic close to the company or product;

- establishing contacts with the media, which is achieved by holding a press party, business meetings with journalists, participation in the public life of the city;

- writing and placing in many print and Internet resources of press releases;

- holding press conferences, round tables, briefings, presentations, participation in exhibitions, seminars and conferences.

Thanks to the high level of trust in the company, it can stay afloat even in difficult times of crisis.