Zoisite Stone: Application, Magical And Medicinal Properties

Zoisite Stone: Application, Magical And Medicinal Properties
Zoisite Stone: Application, Magical And Medicinal Properties

The name zoisite is little known. A brittle mineral is not easy to process and is extremely fragile. Only the best masters undertake to work with it. The stone is prized for its external beauty and amazing properties. He can become a faithful amulet and a reliable protector for those to whom he suits.

Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties
Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties

Zoisite is found in the 19th century in the Alps. At first, the stone was named zulpite in honor of the deposit. The Slovak mineralogist Sigmund Zois has been studying the gem for a long time. In honor of the scientist, the find was renamed zoisite.


There are several varieties of a beautiful capricious crystal in nature. They differ in appearance and color. The most rare stones are considered to be deep blue, shimmering in the sun. More common are opaque. Allocate:

  • tanzanite;
  • aniolite;
  • saussurite;
  • tulitis.

Tanzanites are called the most beautiful group. They are found only in Tanzania.

Semi-precious pink tulites became famous for the play of light reflections. Outwardly, the crystals are similar to rhodonites.

Multicolor luxury aniolites are pink, green, red. Their unusual appearance provided them with high value.

Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties
Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties

In saussurite, zoisite is mixed with plagioclase. This explains the deep green shade of the mineral. It is sometimes mistaken for jasper.

Forgeries and originals

Natural stones are often counterfeited. The original can be distinguished by several characteristics. Semi-precious varieties are distinguished by the presence of many black blotches. They are located almost evenly. The fake is betrayed by the randomness of the dispersion of dark dots on the surface.

Pressing the jewel against the skin will keep the original cool. The simulation will heat up quickly.

Zoisite with corundum impurities is distinguished from counterfeit by ultraviolet light. Natural crystals in it are covered with red bright spots.

The material is used only in the jewelry industry. Opaque small stones are used for beads, rings or bracelets. From larger samples, stone cutters grind interior items.

Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties
Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties


A fragile mineral is used as a talisman. The crystal accumulates magical properties over time. Therefore, esotericists recommend the first year after purchase to carry the mineral with you as often as possible.

A fragile jewel is afraid of blows. The crystal of household chemicals is also afraid. Rinse it only under running water.

The removed stone is stored separately, wrapped in a soft cloth.

With proper care, the crystal protects against evil forces, strengthens health and wards off adversity.

Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties
Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties

Healing properties

In lithotherapy, the mineral has established itself as a reliable prophylactic agent. It prevents vascular and heart diseases.

  • The gem has a calming effect, relieves nervousness.
  • Accelerates bone regeneration.
  • The stone is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, lungs, pancreas.
  • The crystal strengthens the immune system.

When massaging the forehead and temples with a stone, headaches go away.

In a duet with ruby, crystals are used to restore male and female health.

Magical properties

The main advantage of the mineral esotericists consider the ability to establish family relationships. The ideal option would be a human figurine carved out of stone. It is located near the dining table, at which households are used to gathering.

Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties
Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties

The talisman helps to develop talents, fight indifference and emotional burnout. Zoisite suggests the best ways to express feelings, is recommended for people working with an audience.

Coloring is largely responsible for the magical abilities of the stone:

  • aniolite reveals extrasensory capabilities, enhances intuition;
  • purple crystals are used to strengthen communication with the world of spirits, they are recommended to mediums or those who want to become them;

The longer talismans are worn on themselves, the stronger they are.

Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties
Zoisite stone: application, magical and medicinal properties

Astrologers do not recommend zoisite to representatives of the fire element, that is, Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. There are no contraindications for the rest of the signs. The crystal makes Aquarius restrained and more balanced. It helps Gemini to gain perseverance, getting rid of laziness. Representatives of the signs of Libra and Taurus will be protected from failure thanks to the amulet.
