Richard Clayderman: Biography, Creativity, Career And Personal Life

Richard Clayderman: Biography, Creativity, Career And Personal Life
Richard Clayderman: Biography, Creativity, Career And Personal Life

For several decades, the French pianist and arranger Richard Clayderman has captivated listeners all over the world. His discs are sold out in huge numbers, concerts are sold out, and critics who call the artist's work light music are wondering what the secret of his popularity is.

Richard Clayderman: biography, creativity, career and personal life
Richard Clayderman: biography, creativity, career and personal life

Philippe Paget not only loves his business very much, he adores it. This position is fully supported by the public, which cannot be deceived. Probably, it is in this respect that the secret of success is hidden.

The path to the vocation

The biography of the future celebrity began in 1953. The boy was born in Paris on December 28 in the family of a carpenter. Due to illness, his father, who had a good command of the accordion, left his job, starting a career as a piano teacher. The kid was immediately interested in the new tool. At 12, the boy entered the conservatory, and at 16 he won the first competition.

The student was promised a career as an outstanding classical pianist, but Paget chose modern directions.

With friends, the musician founded a group, moonlighted as an accompanist. Attention to the promising newcomer was drawn by the masters, who offered cooperation with the legends of the French stage.

Richard Clayderman: biography, creativity, career and personal life
Richard Clayderman: biography, creativity, career and personal life


The situation changed in 1976. Composer Paul de Senneville began searching for an artist to record Ballade pour Adeline. The choice fell on Page. On the advice of the producer, the young man took a pseudonym, becoming Richard (Richard) Clayderman.

The musician gave concerts in many countries, his albums sold out in gigantic quantities. Many went platinum and gold. After performing in front of Nancy Reagan, the pianist was nicknamed the Prince of Romance.

In his work, Klaiderman harmoniously combines modern trends with the classics. For him, music became a source of joy. With its help, the musician acquaints listeners with world masterpieces from different eras and countries. The pianist also performs cover versions of hits. Among the collections there are also those dedicated to the work of famous authors and legendary groups. The maestro enjoys particular success in the countries of East Asia.

Richard Clayderman: biography, creativity, career and personal life
Richard Clayderman: biography, creativity, career and personal life

Family and music

For the first time he made an attempt to establish his personal life Klaiderman at the age of 18. In 1971, a child, daughter Maud, appeared in his family with Rosalyn. However, a couple of years after her birth, her parents broke up.

The new choice of the performer in 1980 was the hairdresser Christine. At the end of December 1984, the couple had a son, Peter Philip Joel. Numerous tours and rare appearances at home did not go to the benefit of family life.

A new attempt at finding a family was undertaken by the musician in 2010 with the violinist Tiffany, who worked with him. A common favorite, the dog Cook, lives in the house.

Richard Clayderman: biography, creativity, career and personal life
Richard Clayderman: biography, creativity, career and personal life

Klaiderman continues to delight fans with his work. Relatives understand that listeners are waiting for meetings with him, therefore, they are sympathetic to the rare moments of communication. The artist, who has recorded 90 albums, loves to travel, so constant flights do not tire him.