Galina Dmitrieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Galina Dmitrieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Galina Dmitrieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Galina Dmitrieva is a representative of the so-called "new left" who do not agree with the policies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its leader Gennady Zyuganov. They believe that this party has settled well under the current government and at the common party trough. However, their contacts with other opposition forces are just getting better.

Galina Dmitrieva: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Galina Dmitrieva: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Galina believes that the current society is not active enough in the struggle for its rights. What does a person do to express their protest? He is subscribed to independent media outlets, re-posts on social networks, and goes to a rally fenced off by a fence and police. Sometimes he can be an election observer.

And it's all. According to Dmitrieva, this is not enough to get rid of slave psychology, which means to get rid of their children from the fate of slaves, which authorities of all stripes are systematically and progressively preparing for them.

Another of her complaints against the opposition is her superficial attitude to what is happening in the country. And some even want to change the government in order to simply sit in high chairs and continue the same policy.



Galina Dmitrieva was born in Moscow in 1985. Her family did not live well - her parents were engineers. And when my father went to work at the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering, he had the opportunity to go into business. Unfortunately, he did not calculate his strength: he took out a loan, but could not pay it off on time. Then the times were such that the bandits "knocked out" the debts, and the Dmitrievs had to hide from them, leaving Moscow. However, soon Galina's mother was hit by a car, and she connects this with the revenge of the bandits. She was then only seven years old, she did not understand a lot, and her father could not explain. He just started drinking out of grief, and the daughter was left to herself.

She went through the difficult years of perestroika and kept looking for answers to the questions - why is everything so arranged in life? She found Engels's books and was carried away by them. And in 2000 I met like-minded people at the Anti-Capitalism march.


Struggle for workers' rights

Now Dmitrieva is a member of the Revolutionary Workers' Party. They have no reverence for Stalinism or the Soviet Union, but they recognize nationalization as a form of ownership of all the wealth of the people. And they believe that workers' and people's control should exist in practice, not on paper.

Also clear is the position of Dmitrieva's party members in relation to the existing system of power. According to her, in our time in Russia there are slave owners and slaves, as well as a thin layer of those who do not want to be neither one nor the other. Therefore, they decided to defend the slaves. And this is not a political career for her, but a way of life.


Galina chose this method of work: she gets a job at an enterprise in order to help workers in legal terms directly in the team, to advise on writing complaints to the labor inspectorate and other organizations. And also helps to create trade unions and strike committees in order to progressively achieve the fulfillment of workers' rights.


In 2007, Dmitrieva helped the workers of AVTOVAZ, later helped the residents of Moscow hostels to defend their rights to housing. There are significant results both there and there. At least the workers of the Togliatti plant have become more legally literate, and the residents of hostels have ceased to be thrown out into the street. This is already a great success in our time.

Personal life

Galina Dmitrieva is married and has two children. However, because of her position, once the children were taken away from her for far-fetched reasons - it was in Togliatti. And when her family moved to Moscow, they began to hint at the same method of fighting the opposition. Therefore, she has to exercise some caution.
