Sergey Adonyev: Biography And Personal Life

Sergey Adonyev: Biography And Personal Life
Sergey Adonyev: Biography And Personal Life

Sergey Adonyev is a significant person in the world of Russian business. His capital is about $ 1 billion, he is one of the largest investors. Arguments often arise around his person, someone condemns him, and someone supports.

Sergey Adonyev: biography and personal life
Sergey Adonyev: biography and personal life

Who is Sergey Adonyev? Some media call him the banana king, an American spy, accuse him of rejecting the current government in the Russian Federation. Sergei himself does not respond to such attacks, continues to engage in business, patronage, charity. Who is he and where is he from? How did he manage to reach such heights?

Biography of Sergei Adonyev

Sergei was born in Lvov at the end of January 1961. At school, he showed excellent results in almost all subjects, and the teachers strongly encouraged him to continue his studies at a good university, which he did. In 1977, Sergei Adonyev entered the Polytechnic University in Leningrad.

After receiving his diploma, Sergei remains within the walls of his native university and begins to engage in teaching. It was during this period that his leadership and entrepreneurial data were manifested, he took his first steps in business.

How was the career of businessman Sergei Adonyev

In 1994, Sergei, together with two friends, tried his hand at big business - he began to import exotic fruits. In just two years, the company becomes a leader in the Russian market, receives the status of a closed joint-stock company, and is practically the only officially registered organization in this sphere of supplies.

In the same period of his life, the criminal prosecution of Sergei Adonyev by the authorities of Kazakhstan and the United States begins. The Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan could not prove the fact of accepting a bribe, but the Americans managed to catch Adonyev in cooperation with Cuba, which was prohibited at that time, and impose a fine on him, and prohibit him from entering the United States.

Adonyev's new career took off in 2006, when he launched the communication project Scartel under the Yota brand. In just five months, the cost of putting the business into operation paid off.

Personal life of businessman Sergei Adonyev

Sergei Adonyev is married and has two sons. The wife of a businessman, according to him, is his beloved person, friend and colleague. It is known that in 2014 he made a serious investment in growing vegetables in greenhouses, and presented it to his wife. The company is actively developing, analysts predict high profits for it.

Rumors about Adonyev's novels "on the side" sometimes appear in the press. So far, none of such publications has been confirmed or denied by the businessman himself. It is only known for certain that after the failure of the presidential candidate he supported in the elections, Sergei left for Ukraine for some time. Adonyev's representatives assured that there was no talk of the final move of the businessman and his family from Russia.
