Islam is one of the world's religions with many followers. The teachings of Muslims are based on the Qur'an and recommend that every faithful follower of Allah must fulfill the obligatory things. There are five main pillars of Islam.

The pillars of Islam are called five mandatory decrees that must be adhered to by a person called a Muslim. First of all, a Muslim must confess his faith. The first pillar of Islam is precisely the confession of faith, which consists in pronouncing the formula that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet (the Messenger of Allah).
The next duty of a devout Muslim is prayer. It can be different. The daily five-time prayer (namaz) is considered mandatory, as well as prayer over the deceased, prayers during an eclipse of the sun, an earthquake or other disasters. Also, the prayers of circumambulation around the Kaaba, when a person goes on a pilgrimage to Mecca, can be considered obligatory. Prayers for parents are common, as are prayers for hire (when one Muslim asks another to pray).
In the Muslim tradition, abstinence in food takes place. The pillar of Islam is considered to be fasting in the month of Ramadan, which is called Uraza.
A Muslim should be called zakat.
The last pillar of Islam is considered the obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca, which any devout Muslim must make at least once in his life. Hajj - this is how the pilgrimage to the shrine of the Islamic world is called.