Which Parts Of Speech Do Not Change

Which Parts Of Speech Do Not Change
Which Parts Of Speech Do Not Change

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The immutable parts of speech differ from the mutable ones in that they have no endings. Such parts of speech cannot be changed, and in the text they are used in the same form. In accordance with the school curriculum, these include official parts of speech, gerunds, adverbs, interjections and onomatopoeic words.

Which parts of speech do not change
Which parts of speech do not change


Step 1

Service parts of speech include words to which it is impossible to ask a question. These words have no lexical meaning, because they do not denote an object, a sign, or an action. Their only function is auxiliary. They serve to express the relationship between objects, actions or signs, as well as to connect them together in a phrase and a sentence. When parsing a sentence, service parts of speech are skipped, since they are not any members of the sentence.

Service parts of speech are:

- particles ("would", "whether", "only", "not", "only");

- unions ("a", "but", "and", "to", "because");

- prepositions ("in", "under", "through").

Step 2

The verbal participle refers to independent parts of speech. You can ask him the questions “How?”, “Doing what?”, “Doing what?”. The verbal participle is a non-infinitive form of the verb that means an additional action in the main action. The gerunds retain the form of the verb from which they are formed, and one of the verb features is transitivity. Like a verb, an adverbial participle can be reflexive and non-reflexive, and also have the form of a perfect and imperfect form.

An imperfect appearance means that the additional action has not yet been completed. The imperfect participle is formed from the verb stem in the present tense with the help of the suffix "a" after hissing ("breathing"), the suffix "I" in other cases ("loving") and "teach" from the verb "to be" ("being") …

The perfect form means that the additional action by the moment of the beginning of the main action expressed by the predicate verb has already been completed. Imperfect participles are formed using the suffixes "v" ("eating"), "lice" ("having eaten"), "shi" ("having come") from an infinitive verb or a verb in the past tense and with the help of the suffix "eating" ("Having eaten") from reflexive verbs.

In a sentence, germs are a circumstance.

Step 3

An adverb is an independent part of speech that denotes a feature of an object, action, or some other feature. In a sentence, an adverb can be attributed to a verb, participle, participle, noun, adjective or other adverb. Adverbs have no endings and cannot be changed. In a sentence, adverbs most often perform the function of a circumstance, but they can also play the role of a predicate. The following groups of adverbs are distinguished by designation:

- mode of action ("How?", "How?"), for example: "reliable";

- time ("When?", "How long?", "Until when?"), for example: "summer", "long";

- places ("Where?", "Where?", "Where?"), for example: "far", "home";

- reasons ("Why?"), for example: "in the heat of the moment";

- goals ("Why?"), for example: "specially";

- measures and degrees ("How much?", "How much?", "To what extent?", "To what extent?"), for example: "little", "a lot".

Separately, in the Russian language, adverbs are highlighted that indicate a sign of action. These are indicative ("from there"), indefinite ("somehow"), interrogative ("why") and negative ("never") adverbs.

Step 4

Interjections perform the function of conveying feelings and emotions, without naming either an object, or an action, or a sign, for example, "ah", "oh", "wow", "wow", "brr".

Step 5

Onomatopoeic words are created to express the sounds of animate and inanimate nature, for example: "ku-ku", "woof", "meow", etc. They also don't change.