What Is The Hourly Difference Between Novosibirsk And Moscow?

What Is The Hourly Difference Between Novosibirsk And Moscow?
What Is The Hourly Difference Between Novosibirsk And Moscow?

After a long debate and debate, Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region were transferred to a four-hour difference with Moscow. From July 24, 2016, residents of the city and the region will "capture" more daylight hours, since it dawns in the region earlier than people wake up.

Novosibirsk lives in a new time zone
Novosibirsk lives in a new time zone

The translation of the arrows was preceded by disputes between scientists and doctors, evidence and calculations of economists were cited, and citizen polls were conducted. About 70% of the citizens surveyed were in favor of moving the arrows forward. The initiative came from the deputies of the legislative assembly, later the initiative was approved by the Federation Council and submitted to the President of the Russian Federation for signing. Earlier, the neighboring regions: Altai, Tomsk, Kemerovo moved to a similar difference with Moscow UTC + 7.

The main argument was that thanks to the new time zone, the Novosibirsk region and, accordingly, the regional economy will receive more hours of daylight hours.

What is the risk of the decision to move the arrows forward?

The changes will have to be made by everyone who provides transportation. The air services will have to make adjustments to the schedule, the schedule of railway trains, commuter electric locomotives, regular buses and fixed-route taxis will change.

You will have to manually translate the time on mobile devices. In the settings of some phones, smartphones, tablets and computers, the date and time are set automatically, respectively, the 5 hour difference with GMT was displayed. From July 24, 2016, residents of Novosibirsk and the region need to set their mobile and stationary devices to +6 relative to Greenwich. On the device, you need to select UTC + 7 instead of UTC + 6, as it was before.

The new time zone will take time for citizens to get used to, but will increase the amount of useful time during the day.