A medal is a symbol of your or someone else's service to the Fatherland, to any organization. Usually they are kept all life, shown to children, grandchildren, passed down from generation to generation. They talk about them and are proud of them. Such things are generally considered heirlooms. But it happens that the owner of the medal has a desire to sell it. The reasons may vary. The medal could have come to you by accident and you do not have the proper pride in owning it, or there could be other circumstances that force you to do this.

Step 1
In fact, selling a medal is not that difficult. And there are several ways to do this. There are legal ways, and there are those that do no harm to anyone, but are probably not entirely correct from a moral point of view.
Step 2
If you have a medal with all the documents and you want to assign it to another place, having received some money for it, start with government agencies that accept such things. For example, contact a savings bank. There are special services for the purchase of such valuables.
Step 3
Decide on the wording of the reasons why you intend to sell this medal and, if suddenly it does not belong to you, then explain the circumstances under which it came to you. That is, determine your rights to it. Otherwise, your application will be forwarded to the police and you will have to explain how this relic came to you in a different place and not in your interests.
Step 4
There are also antique shops that buy all kinds of valuables, including medals. Go to these shops. If you cannot solve the problem in one of them, contact the other. Not every shop is so jealous of the true owners of such relics. Therefore, you will probably be able to sell your medal in one of the antique shops.
Step 5
If this option did not end with luck, contact the collectors. You can find out about such people in the same antique shops, even with phone numbers and addresses. Collectors are regulars in all kinds of antique shops and in their circles everyone knows each other well. Most likely, among collectors you will find someone who would like to decorate their collection with your relic.
Step 6
When making trips to the authorities in an attempt to sell the medal, do not forget to learn more about the monetary reward that is promised for such relics and for yours. In government institutions, the rate will be practically fixed, for antique shops the condition of the medal will be important, and for collectors, the value of the medal is for their collection.