Alena Vodonaeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Alena Vodonaeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Alena Vodonaeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Few of the former or current participants in the scandalous "House-2" were lucky with their career development like Alena Vodonaeva. But is the reason for her demand and popularity in luck alone, or is it her personal merit, the result of perseverance and hard work?

Alena Vodonaeva: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Alena Vodonaeva: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Who is Alena Vodonaeva? This is a media personality, one of the most scandalous participants in the popular reality show of Russian TV, model and actress, singer, blogger, journalist, television and radio host. Alena tried herself in many directions, and most of her attempts were successful. What can not be said about her personal life - attempts to become someone's couple so far end in failure.

Biography of Alena Vodonaeva - where she was born and how old is she

Alena Vodonaeva is a Siberian. She was born in Tyumen in the summer of 1982. The girl's parents were state employees - her mother was a teacher, her father was an orthopedic doctor - and did not differ in large income. When the girl was 6 years old, another child appeared in the family - Stanislav.

Vodonaeva reluctantly recalls her school years - she often missed classes, since she was a sickly child, there was no mutual understanding with classmates. To overcome the feeling of self-doubt, at the age of 14, Alena went to audition, where they selected teenagers for the role of presenters on one of the Tyumen TV channels. But in the end, the girl becomes a freelance employee of the Tyumenskie Vedomosti newspaper.


This period of her life also determined the choice of the university - after school she entered the journalism faculty at the University in Tyumen, at the same time she worked on local television. Participation in the casting "House-2" radically changes Alena's life, gives a start to the development of her career in the capital.

Alena Vodonaeva's career

Casting for "Dom-2" for Alena was limited to a single visit to the meeting of the selection committee - everyone really liked her, and she was immediately approved. Within a few days, the girl realized that in such projects, far from the best character traits help to break through, and accepted the conditions of the game - there was no more scandalous participant, according to the organizers of the project, and hardly ever will be.

Vodonaeva spent 3 years on the reality show. As part of the project, she had two high-profile novels, but, according to her, there was no serious relationship with anyone.


After the Dom-2 project, Vodonaeva received many offers from various TV channels. She was the host of such programs:

  • "Naked Ten"
  • "Good night, guys!"
  • "Holidays in Mexico".

In parallel, Alena was involved in the development of Internet blogs Popular Doctor and Reality Girl, and took part in the Dancing with the Stars competition. In addition, the girl is actively moving in a creative direction.

Creativity in the life of Alena Vodonaeva

Alena tries herself in the modeling business, sings. She quickly abandoned her singing career, which, according to critics, was the right decision. But the modeling business has become even more successful than a career on TV. Vodonaeva takes part in fashion shows of clothes by leading world designers, is the face of several large companies, and has appeared in commercials.


In addition, Alena Vodonaeva has created her own trade mark, selling perfume and jewelry, clothes under her own name. Alena is also active in the Internet space. Her microblogs and online diaries in social networks are top-ranked, and bring the owner a good income from advertising.

Personal life of Alena Vodonaeva

The first and, according to Vodonaeva herself, the most serious relationship with a man she had at the age of 18 - she even introduced her boyfriend named Anton to her parents, but the paths of the young people diverged when Alena moved to Moscow.

On the Dom-2 project, Alena had a long-term relationship with the participant Stepan Menshikov. They lasted almost two years, the couple even received a prize of 100,000 rubles, as the most emotional one. But the girl broke off the relationship, saying that in life she needs a man, and not a joker and the soul of the company, who cannot provide a decent life in reality.

Then, again as part of a reality show, there was a short-term relationship with Anton Potapovich and May Abrikosov, but they did not last long either.

In 2009, Vodonaeva officially married businessman Alexey Malakeev. A year later, they had a son, who was named Bogdan. But even this fact did not seal the union. In 2011, the couple parted, and in 2013 they filed for an official divorce.


Immediately after the actual breakup with her husband, in 2011, Alena began dating a member of one of the Russian musical groups, Sergey Ashikhmin. Then there was an affair with Sharov Arseny, Korotkov Anton. But so far neither the businessman, nor the singer, nor the famous tattoo artist have been able to win the heart of Vodonaeva and drag her to the registry office, and at the moment Alena is free.

What is Alena Vodonaeva doing now

Now Vodonaeva surprises, and not only with her career and romantic victories, but also with actions that concern her personally. She is one of the few media personalities who have reduced, not increased body volume during plastic surgery. Vodonaev's chest was reduced in 2016.


Then she broke up with Korotkov, with whom a marriage was already planned, a wedding date was set. He was replaced in her microblogs with photos with the diva's new lover - a DJ from St. Petersburg Alexei Komov.

In addition, Alena began to share the most intimate, took part in the show of psychics "The Invisible Man" and talked about many things that even the yellow press did not write about.
