Best Alternative Groups

Best Alternative Groups
Best Alternative Groups

Today alternative music occupies a huge niche in the music market. Many of the bands playing her are cult for several generations, who try in every possible way to imitate their idols. What are the best and most popular contemporary alternative bands?

Best alternative groups
Best alternative groups

Ranking leaders

The most famous alternative group is Linkin Park Americans. These talented guys, led by charismatic vocalist Chester Bennington, boldly mix rock with electronic music and various vocal styles, from metal to rap.

Another American group is no less popular with fans of heavy music - 30 Seconds to Mars, led by the multifaceted Jared Leto. The musicians play in their original style, which has long become recognizable thanks to Leto's unique voice, rhythm and interesting arrangements.

Jared Leto is known all over the world not only as a vocalist - he is also a very talented actor and director.

The best alternative group with female vocals is Evanescence, which is famous for the amazing voice of vocalist Amy Lee, guitar riffs, melody combined with heavy music and incredible energy. Evanescence started out with gothic metal, but now they play in an alternative style, mixed with other musical trends in rock music.

Classic alternatives

Alternative group Korn is known to music lovers all over the world. Her vocalist Jonathan Davis is almost a messiah for fans of the alternative, who massively braid dreadlocks and dress in black, trying to get closer to their idol. The band plays in a harsh, sometimes depressing style, and often collaborates with other musicians to record amazing duets.

Korn albums are in the player of every self-respecting alternative musician, since this group has made a huge contribution to the development of alternative music.

Another group of the "golden age of alternative" is the Americans Limp Bizkit, led by the inimitable Fred Durst, known for his cropped pants and scandalous antics. However, beyond that, Durst and his musicians are talented and competent alternative music performers, perfectly capturing the spirit of protest in each of their songs.

And finally, the Russian alternative group Lumen, performing poignant social songs that reflect all the filth of this world and a call to fight it. The group's vocalist, talented poet and charismatic performer Tam, writes the lyrics for his amazing songs and puts his heart and soul into their performance, which makes Lumen one of the best alternative bands of our time.
