Albinoni Tomaso Giovanni: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Albinoni Tomaso Giovanni: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Albinoni Tomaso Giovanni: Biography, Career, Personal Life

An amazingly touching melody of Adagio, created by Giazotto Albinoni. Thanks to the writings and works of the biographer Remo Giazotto, the public learned about the works of the great master Tomaso Albinoni.

Tomaso Albinoni
Tomaso Albinoni

The author of the famous "Adagio", an open society of the XX century, is considered to be the Italian composer and violinist of the Baroque era Tomaso Albinoni. During his life he became famous for 53 operas, 40 cantatas, 79 sonatas, 59 concerts, 8 symphonies and other works. Many handwritten scores have not survived to this day, due to the bombing in 1944 in Dresden. Today instrumental works of the master are often performed.

Biographical facts

Unfortunately, little is known about the life of a musician. Born June 8, 1671. Growing up, he learned to play the violin and sing. His father, Antonio, who was a wealthy merchant and patrician, provided his son with a study with a prestigious teacher. The true name has not survived, it is believed that it is D. Lehrenzi. The boy studied easily and after 3 years he was already performing works of his own composition. Having lived a long creative life, Tomaso Albinoni died at the age of 79, in 1751 in Venice.



Not living in poverty, the composer did not seek prestigious positions, composing works at home. Perhaps this helped develop a quick career.

1694 - the first opera "Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra" was published. Edition of the collection, which includes Opus No. 1, written for compatriot Pietro, patron and patron of young authors and musicians, Cardinal Ottoboni.

1700th year - Served the Duke of Mantua as violinist and dedication to Opus No. 2.

In 1701 - Opus No. 3 was written for the Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand III, which became a popular work.

It is believed that part of the composer's life is associated with Florence. There, in 1703, a performance of "Griselda", an opera by Tommaso, took place.

At the same time as writing operas, the composer writes a lot of instrumental music. Until 1705, time was devoted to trio sonatas and violin concerts.

1711 - transition to professionals, and until that time he considered himself a Venetian dilettante. Until 1719 he composed sonatas and concertos for oboe.

1718 - the concert in G major was included in the collection of 12 selected Italian author's concertos, where the work was awarded first place.

1722 - the year - having become famous in his homeland, he was invited to Munich by the Elector of Bavaria Maximilian II to conduct an opera.

In 1742, a collection of violin sonatas in memory of the composer, considering him dead, was published in France. In fact, Tomaso died 9 years after publication.


Albinoni's creativity

Along with the works of the famous Italian masters of instrumental music of that time - Martini, Veracini, Corelli, Vivaldi and others, a few works by Albinoni were played. Tomaso's works were appreciated much later. But there is information that the work of the composer was noted during his lifetime. For example, Johann Bach, trying to teach students to feel harmony, wrote 2 clavier fugues based on the works of Albinoni. I gave bass scores as exercises. Tomaso's Concerto in G major is the best work in the collection of the great composers of Italy, published in Amsterdam in 1718. The works are attractive for their perfection, severity, beauty without exaggeration - signs that distinguish high art.

Tomaso Albinoni created 53 operas, 28 of them, with historical and mythological subjects, were performed in the theaters of Venice.


The history of the famous Adagio

The society met Adagio Albinoni in 1958. The work was created by Remo Giazotto on the basis of a handwritten fragment found where the burnt library of Dresden stood. The Milan researcher of the biography of Albinoni found a bass part, and fragments of the first six measures of a slow melody. By 1945, the Adagio was restored. This is how the genius Albinoni became the author of the work, finally becoming world famous.


Critics deny the authorship, and perhaps the composer himself did the same if he lived at this time. So Giazotto composed the melody. Perhaps, in this way, Remo was trying to revive the glory of the great master. Who, if not a biography researcher, should know that Giovanni is not very well known. The work has become so famous that it is used as a background in movies, TV shows, and sounds in commercials. Adagio is also performed at funeral ceremonies along with the Funeral Music of Grieg and Chopin.

Personal life

At 34, Tomaso married Margarita Raimondi. To the ceremony, the young husband and wife invited a close friend, Antonino Biffi, the conductor of St. Mark's Cathedral. After marriage, the newlyweds went to live in Verona. After the maestro's wife died, he lived alone, in his hometown, without communicating with anyone. Albinoni died at the age of 79. The presumable cause is a diabetic crisis. The composer was buried near the Church of San Marco.


It has been proven that music has properties to heal and soothe, especially in the melodies of the Baroque era. Albinoni's instrumental concerts feature plastic beauty, restraint, exquisite elaboration, and melody. Today, the master's works are popular and are included in the repertoires of musicians.