Children Of Anna Sedokova: Photo

Children Of Anna Sedokova: Photo
Children Of Anna Sedokova: Photo

Recently, Anna Sedakova has appeared on TV in programs related not to her concert activities, but to the vicissitudes of her personal life. How many husbands did the singer have? Who do her children live with now? Why hasn't her joint photos with the children been appearing on Anna's Instagram for several months now?

Children of Anna Sedokova: photo
Children of Anna Sedokova: photo

Anna Sedakova is a former member of the mega-popular female musical group VIA Gra, now a solo singer, mother of many children. But more and more often, fans see her not on the stage of concert halls or clubs, but in scandalous talk shows, where Anna sometimes complains about her ex-husbands or lovers, then tries to return the children. What's going on with a pop music fan favorite?

Anna Sedakova's husbands

Anna is a frequent "guest" of the pages of the yellow press. Journalists love to discuss her stormy personal life, failed marriages, litigation over children, new novels.

Indeed, the personal life of the singer Anna Sedakova resembles a roller coaster ride. Only according to the official versions of the woman, she tried to arrange her happiness three times - her chosen ones managed to visit

  • football player Valentin Belkevich ",
  • businessman Maxim Chernyavsky,
  • entrepreneur Artem Komarov.

Anna Sedakova married the Ukrainian footballer Belkevich in the summer of 2004. In December, the couple had a daughter, Alina, but a little over a year later, the family broke up.


In February 2011, Anna married Maxim Chernyavsky, soon gave birth to his daughter Monica, but this marriage also fell apart after 2 years. The divorce was scandalous, accompanied by mutual reproaches for treason, the division of property and the child.

Then the dancer Guman Sergey appeared in Anna's life. And again, the couple was the subject of interest for the press - the lovers then parted, then converged again. As a result, this novel also came to naught.

Unexpectedly for everyone, at the beginning of 2017 Anna officially announced that she was pregnant from businessman Komarov Artem, in April her son Hector was born, but the couple did not go down the aisle. Artem recognized his son, but did not want to tie the knot with the scandalous singer.

Children of Anna Sedakova - photo

Anna's eldest daughter Alina was born in a marriage with her first husband, football player Valentin Belkevich, in 2004. For the sake of her husband and daughter, Sedakova left VIA Gra, practically stopped going on stage. The family broke up when Alina was still very young, but dad maintained a relationship with her until he passed away in 2014.

The singer gave birth to her second daughter, Monica, from Maxim Chernyavsky in 2011. After the divorce, the ex-husband tried to deprive Anna of the right to raise the girl, assuring journalists that she was a disgusting mother and it was simply dangerous to trust her with a child.


The son of Anna Sedakova Hector was born in early February 2017. The singer gave birth to a boy from businessman Komarov Artem. The young man was almost 10 years younger than Anna, and sincerely admitted that he did not see a future in their relationship. He recognized his son, but did not dare to marry Sedakova.

Anna rarely shares her children's achievements. Fans and the press know little about what they do and are passionate about. Sedakova often and more willingly discusses her personal life and creative plans with representatives of the press, rather than children.

Litigation between Sedakova and Chernyavsky over daughter Monica

Scandals ending in courts "stick" to Anna Sedakova. For three years she fought for the inheritance of her eldest daughter after the death of her father, won, and then began a new litigation. Legal proceedings over daughter Monica have become longer and more complex. Maxim Chernyavsky limited communication between Monica and Anna, convinced the court representatives that Anna’s mother was simply “none”.


Anna Sedakova's daughter Monika Chernyavskaya lived with her father and his relatives for a long time, communication with her mother took place only in the presence of one of the adults. In court, Maxim provided hard-hitting evidence that the upbringing of his daughter could not be trusted by his ex-wife. The court found Anna dangerous for the child, sided with Monica's father.

The result of a long trial was an amicable agreement between Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedakova - they received equal custody rights over Monica, but Anna cannot upload a photo of her daughter on the pages of her social networks, take her out of the United States (the girl is an American citizen) to Russia or Ukraine without consent father.

Who do the children of Anna Sedakova live with now?

The singer's daughters spend most of their time abroad. It is known that they study in one of the Los Angeles schools. Alina is the face of a well-known brand of children's clothing, Monika is not yet engaged in professional development.

The son of Anna Sedakova, Hector, lives constantly with his mother, often even tours with her, a nanny accompanies mother and son on the trains.


Whether Anna Sedakova is a good mother or not, only her children can judge. The singer assures that she tries to devote every free minute to her daughters and son. She is forced to work so that the children have everything they need. And her work is often connected with traveling, and she entrusts the upbringing of children to close ones or good nannies whom she personally chooses.
