Why Young People Don't Want To Live In Russia

Why Young People Don't Want To Live In Russia
Why Young People Don't Want To Live In Russia

According to researchers, more than a third of young people do not see their future life in Russia, they want to move to Western Europe or the United States. Some of them are attracted by the prospects of high incomes and fast career growth, while others want peace of mind in the political environment.

Why young people don't want to live in Russia
Why young people don't want to live in Russia

The current state of affairs in Russia cannot be compared with the early 90s, and yet even at that difficult time there were not so many young people who would like to leave Russia and find permanent residence in more developed countries. Most of them have graduated. What are the reasons for the mass immigration of young professionals?

Young people don't belong here

According to researchers, most young people simply do not see their place in modern Russian realities. And the point is not even that it is too difficult or expensive to get a higher education or choose a profession. Rather, it is about putting this knowledge into practice. This is where the main problems begin. It is not for nothing that many specialists do not work in their specialty: it is either impossible to find a job, or they pay very little for it. Engineering specialties, doctors, teachers - all professions that were so valued in the past are now forced to depreciate due to lack of funding from the public sector. So young specialists have to go to commercial firms, work for a percentage, perform duties in which they do not see any sense or interest, and still receive insufficient funds for a comfortable life. Such uncertainty, lack of a clear understanding of the future makes young people doubt whether it is worth spending their lives on work in Russia. Ultimately, the best years will pass, but a person will not be able to make a career or savings.

Some young people find a way out and go into business, start their own business. And then they are faced with another problem - a huge bureaucratic machine and corruption can crush a novice businessman. Extortions, bribes, threats, demands of corrupt officials - these are the realities of a modern business person. And then there are also taxes, contributions to the Pension Fund, which in themselves are unreasonably high, especially for start-up entrepreneurs. And it often becomes impossible to work in such conditions.

Injustice of power

Low wages, injustice perpetrated in relation to the elderly and the least protected segments of the population, benefits and pensions that cannot be lived on - all this is seen by young people and understands that this state will not protect it, will not defend its interests either today or in future. The political situation, the pressure of the authorities, the abolition of the rights and freedoms of their fellow citizens, the constantly growing lists of prohibitions and the increased supervision of the population also inspire strong fears for the future. And if students often still have a patriotic enthusiasm, a positive perception of reality, then when faced with the first adult realities, a person begins to assess the situation more soberly. Until he is burdened with mortgages, family and responsibilities, he often chooses to leave the country.
