Why Good Triumphs Over Evil In Fairy Tales

Why Good Triumphs Over Evil In Fairy Tales
Why Good Triumphs Over Evil In Fairy Tales

Video: Why Good Triumphs Over Evil In Fairy Tales

Video: Why Good Triumphs Over Evil In Fairy Tales
Video: Змей Горыныч - что он символизировал у древних славян. Мифология. Zmei Gorynych in Slavic mythology 2025, January

From childhood, children are told tales about good knights and evil dragons, about Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Vasilisa the Beautiful and Ivan Tsarevich, where the inevitable finale is in any case marked by the victory of Good over Evil. This is also said in the sayings: "Whoever does good, evil does not harm," "Good will not die, but evil will disappear."

Why good triumphs over evil in fairy tales
Why good triumphs over evil in fairy tales

Good is a moral concept that manifests itself in selfless help to one's neighbor. Good is also what is useful and good for each specific person at a certain point in time. Evil entails suffering, misfortune and misery. It often happens that things that are good for one person can be perceived as evil for another (for example, wealth). That is why identical events can be understood by human consciousness as either good or evil. It all depends on the circumstances, as well as on the individual attitude of a person to the current situation. It turns out that the concepts of good and evil are quite subjective. Then why, through sayings and fairy tales, did a person through the centuries receive the assertion that Good certainly conquers Evil? This question should be answered from the point of view of studying a person as an integral organism, inextricably linked with the outside world, taking into account his worldview and worldview, which naturally affects the physiological processes occurring in the physical body of everyone. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the human body consists of 75% water. It is through water that energy-informational control of all life processes takes place. Structured water is sensitive to external influences, such as human thoughts and his psycho-emotional state. Due to the special structure of water, energy and information are accumulated in it, as a result of which water turns into their carrier. The mood and thinking of an individual can have a very strong effect on the water, both negative and positive, which leads to an immediate change in its structure. Absolutely any state of a person is recorded on the water. Any emotion, thought carries information. Positive words containing wishes for good create clear, beautiful vibrations, which leads to the formation of clusters in the body that are able to retain the memory of good intentions. Anger, aggression, anger, foul language produce ugly, incoherent vibrations that distort and destroy the existing structure of water in the body, thereby causing its chaotic state. That is why one should not allow negative emotions to arise in oneself. It is advisable to avoid people experiencing negative emotions. After all, the structure of water in everyone's body can be resonantly changed. From the above, the obvious conclusion follows: almost all health problems that arise in a person are the result of his low culture. Angry people, showing negative emotions, show aggression towards themselves, destroying and destroying their body. Good and evil are like boomerangs: what you launch will return. Only good gives rise to good, and evil gives birth to evil, from which it destroys itself. That is why they say that Good is stronger than Evil. In support of the above, we can add that researchers of the phenomenon of longevity note that there are no evil people among centenarians. All those who have crossed the threshold of the century are distinguished by a good-natured disposition and hard work. Thus, life shows by examples that Good always triumphs over Evil. True Good is free of charge and does not require anything in return. You need to learn how to do Good, and gratitude, politeness and appreciation can be the first steps on this path. This will require not only strength and intelligence, but also courage and courage. Doing Good without expecting a similar attitude towards yourself is the path of a strong personality, her free and conscious choice.