How To Write Travel Notes

How To Write Travel Notes
How To Write Travel Notes

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The tourist boom has literally covered our country in recent years. Russians no longer want an unpretentious holiday by the sea, now they are interested in both the famous tourist sites of the world and protected places. Many of the tourists after their travels are so filled with impressions that the thirst to share them suggests writing travel notes. To keep your notes interesting for readers, prepare to write them ahead of time and read this guide.

How to write travel notes
How to write travel notes

It is necessary

  • • photo camera or video camera;
  • • notebook and pencil;
  • • laptop or tablet;
  • • Dictaphone.


Step 1

When planning your next trip, try to prepare in advance for the fact that you will be keeping a travel diary. To get started, seek the help of professionals. Surely, you have at least once watched the programs "Around the World", "Unlucky Notes" or turned on the "Travel-TV" channel. Find any of the episodes from these cycles in the program guide or on the Internet. See them from the perspective of a traveler and journalist. Pay attention to where the accents of the plot are. Sketch in a notebook or any digital device convenient for you an approximate plan for keeping track of travel notes.

Step 2

First, write down the date, time, and place where you start your travel notes. By the way, you can start keeping your travel notes right after leaving home and driving to the airport or train station. Secondly, start the morning of every next day with new photos and notes to them, by all means fixing their date. Support your comments with photographs. There can be quite a few of them, later you have to carefully select the most interesting ones for travel notes.

Step 3

Be sure to photograph every object of interest. It can be a local market with an abundance of seafood or tropical fruits, festive processions or just scenes from life, permeated with the flavor inherent in the place. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately write down comments on the footage in a notebook, use a voice recorder, which you probably have in your mobile phone. This will help in the future to recreate your impressions of what you saw and describe them in travel notes.

Step 4

Do not forget a very important point: record every vivid impression of what you saw not only in a photo or video, but also in your comments to it. The sooner you describe your feelings, the more interesting and brighter your travel notes will turn out. Do not overload your notes with detailed historical information received from a guide or on the Internet, those who want to know the details will do it themselves. Also, you should not put avaricious and faceless signatures like “local market”, “mountain view”, etc. under the photographs. Try to make the description interesting for the readers of your notes.

Step 5

Your journey is over. Now is the time to organize all your notes in chronological order. Collect all sources for notes together: record texts from a voice recorder, add recordings from other sources, download photos. In any program convenient for you, working with texts and images, write your notes by inserting photos and captions to them. You can also give each photo an original name, use your imagination and sense of humor. Be sure to re-read the notes and give them to your loved ones to read. Liked? Feel free to post your travel notes on your page, blog or any site where tourists share their impressions of their trips.
