How To Talk To Traffic Cops Correctly

How To Talk To Traffic Cops Correctly
How To Talk To Traffic Cops Correctly

The ability to communicate on the road with traffic police officers is one of those that needs to be learned. Indeed, often many problems and conflicts can be settled by simple communication. However, not all motorists know or are able to talk to the inspector who stopped them. The experts offer a number of their recommendations that will ensure high-quality communication on the road.

How to talk to traffic cops correctly
How to talk to traffic cops correctly

Disputes and disagreements on the road between drivers and traffic police inspectors arise today quite often. And moreover, people in uniform are not always to blame for them. It's just that many drivers, not knowing their rights and responsibilities thoroughly, start literally "getting into the bottle", and this, as you know, does not end well. Therefore, it is worth following the rules of decency and cultural communication on the road so that there are many times less conflict situations.

What to do if an inspector stops you

Remember that if the inspector who stopped you asks you to get out of the car too obsessively, this is not a reason to either get out of the car or be rude to him in response. Politely but firmly declare to the law enforcement officer that its demand is illegal and you will not comply with it. The voice must be sure - so the traffic police officer will understand that in front of him is a person who knows his rights.

There are known situations when under the guise of traffic police officers hiding road fraudsters seeking to deceive and rob drivers. In order to exclude such an option, ask the inspector for his certificate. If you have a reason to complain about the obscene behavior of a law enforcement officer, rewrite his data (usually this is a surname, name, patronymic, rank, number of a badge).

Remember that the inspector must tell you the reason for stopping your vehicle. This could be a violation of the rules by you (for example, you exceeded the speed or did not notice a prohibitory sign) or an operation to arrest criminals in the area. In the second case, the inspector must show you a document confirming the truth of his words. If he refuses to do this, immediately call the traffic police helpline and explain your situation.

Try to talk to the inspectors politely, do not flaunt that you know the rules and codes, but they are here trying to deceive and mislead you. By doing this, you run the risk of angering the law enforcement officer, and he will proceed to a more detailed examination of your car. In addition, remember that the article for the attack on law enforcement officers has not yet been canceled. And you can bring a lot of things under it, including too active rudeness.

If the requirements of the traffic police officer do not contradict the rules, but at the same time seem superfluous to you, it is better to obey and do what you are asked to do. So, for example, if you were stopped for not turning on the dipped headlights, but in the process you were asked to open the trunk, you should not push back and point out that only the violation for which you stopped can be checked. Better show what's in your trunk and avoid problems.

What to consider

Experienced drivers assure that when choosing tactics in a conversation with a traffic police representative, you must also take into account your territorial location. So, for example, Ural inspectors are more severe and persistent, traffic police officers in the south are corrosive, etc. Naturally, in order to communicate with them on an equal footing, it is better to carefully study and memorize your rights and obligations. There are not many, but this kind of information will help you feel more confident.

If you communicate with a traffic police representative politely and culturally, and do not particularly resist his requests, but the conversation does not go well, and the inspector behaves defiantly, call an additional squad of law enforcement officers all through the same traffic police helpline.