The Most Dangerous Weapon In The World

The Most Dangerous Weapon In The World
The Most Dangerous Weapon In The World

Table of contents:


Weapons are any devices or means of struggle used to achieve the goal by neutralizing or killing the enemy, disabling his equipment and structures. Conventionally, weapons are divided into two groups: conventional and mass destruction (WMD).

The most dangerous weapon in the world
The most dangerous weapon in the world


Step 1

The group of conventional weapons includes small arms: mechanical, pneumatic, firearms, electric, as well as incendiary (fire mixtures), explosive (mines, grenades) and rocket (missiles, torpedoes). The most dangerous species in this category include:

- expansive (explosive) bullets;

- bullets depleted in uranium, burning through tank armor;

- cartridges filled with shards of magnesia.

Step 2

The Metal Storm, which fires 16,000 bullets per second, and the AA-12 shotgun, which fires 300 grenades per minute, are just as dangerous.

Step 3

The Barrett M82 sniper rifle, with a bullet velocity equal to three sonic velocities, hits a target from a distance of 1.8 km. Then there are grenades and bombs filled with white phosphorus, the burning particles of which (over 800 ° C) melt human flesh and bones.

Step 4

Napalm (pyrogels) is a chemical mixture based on thick gasoline with a burning temperature of 1600 ° C, which cannot be extinguished with water. Rounding out the list is a cluster bomb containing more than 10 small bombs and the Davy Crockett grenade launcher - a cannon that releases nuclear warheads 4 km away, creating a 600 roentgen radiation zone within a radius of 300 m.

Many countries have signed a convention banning the use of such weapons, but not all, such as the United States and Israel, are on the abstaining list.

Step 5

The second group traditionally includes:

- chemical (poisonous), - biological weapons (infecting), - nuclear (radioactive). The consequences of their use are familiar to earthlings from bitter experience. But from this, humanity has drawn only one conclusion - it is necessary to do something more ambitious. As a result, the list has grown considerably.

Step 6

A vacuum bomb is equated to a low-power nuclear bomb, but it kills not with a shock wave, but with rarefied air that tears apart human lungs. The wild "triumph" of man over nature was imprinted in geophysical weapons (seismological), meteorological (precipitation management), climatic (global climate change), ozone (local destruction of the ozone layer). And only the high cost and little knowledge of these areas so far protects the earth from terrible experiments.

Step 7

The following types of weapons of mass destruction are in the stages of enhanced development: acoustic (infra- and ultrasound), genetic (changing the gene pool), laser (energy of heat rays), psychotropic (destruction of the psyche and subordination of the human will), informational (“brainstorming”). And there is a lot that we do not even suspect.

A simple conclusion suggests itself: the most dangerous weapon in the world is the human brain, mired in its own fears and complexes.