Garik Sukachev: Biography And Family

Garik Sukachev: Biography And Family
Garik Sukachev: Biography And Family

Garik Sukachev's talent is multifaceted - he is a composer, singer, guitarist, actor, director, and more recently also a publicist. But what is known about his biography, family, about what tests fate threw him, and how he passed them - the musician says little about this.

Garik Sukachev: biography and family
Garik Sukachev: biography and family

Garik Sukachev is either adored to the point of fanaticism, or is not accepted and even hated. This bright, extraordinary and very talented, and versatile, person cannot leave indifferent anyone who encounters his work or with him personally. For whatever he undertakes, be it a song, a film, some kind of project, the result shoots out, stuns and evokes a storm of emotions. His biography and personal life are interesting and discussed.

Biography of Garik Sukachev

Igor Ivanovich Sukachev, poet, actor, composer and musician, a native of the village of Myakinino, Kuntsevsky District, Moscow Region. Garik's date of birth is December 1, 1959. The family of the future rock star was the most ordinary - dad is an engineer and mom is a cook. Both of them went through the Second World War, experienced all its hardships, but remained patriots, they instilled in their children a love for the Motherland.

Garik was an ordinary village boy - mischievous, pugnacious, often caught with a cigarette, and in his youth - with a bottle of wine, but he always differed from his peers in his love of music. The first steps of his career:

  • study at a music school in the accordion class,
  • choir of radio and television,
  • performances as a guitarist in local clubs.

His father played a huge role in the musical development of the future rock musician. Garik, by virtue of his character, could skip music lessons, often preferred drawing to them, but Ivan Fedorovich, sometimes with the help of a belt, insisted on continuing his studies.

At the age of 12, Garik first heard rock, and since then there was no need to force him to study music. The boy himself mastered playing the guitar, deepened his knowledge of musical notation, and almost completely abandoned his studies at basic school. Then there was only success - his own group "Manual Sunset of the Sun" (1977), a cultural and educational school (1987), the creation of the cult rock group "Brigada S" (1986), the project "The Untouchables" (1994).

Personal life of Garik Sukachev

The stage image of Garik Sukachev - sloven and informal, rude and foul-mouthed - is fundamentally different from his personal life. Outside the public, with his friends and family, he is a very well-mannered, reserved, tactful person. Sukachev says about his marriage: "I was born married." All his life he lived with his wife Olga, the couple had two children - son Alexander and daughter Anastasia.

Olga and Garik went through different times, but in any situation, even the most difficult, they knew how to listen and hear each other. The ability to find compromises and be patient when a partner is intolerant - such secrets lie in the happiness of the Sukachev family. The middle-aged crisis helped Garik survive and overcome his daughter Nastya. He claims that it was she who, by her birth, brought him back to the family, did not allow him to commit the stupidity characteristic of a 40-year-old man.